Log - IM Gateway


I wanna create logs from chats Msn(External) X Jabber(users Internal)…As I can make this???

I try use I-ball Auditor(plugin), but it´s not work!!..Ask to me update the database…and a have difficult to do…

The log that openfire create show me only chat that the users internal send.

Sorry my english…I´m learning…hehe.

Thanks a Lot…

Vinicius - Brazil

The log that the plugin is writing out isn’‘t really meant to be parsed or anything. It’‘s mostly meant to help me figure out what’‘s going wrong when things are broken. =) I-ball isn’‘t ported to Openfire so it’‘s not likely to work unless someone takes it back over and ports it. The enterprise openfire product has some nice logging functionality, but it’‘s not free. From this page: http://wiki.igniterealtime.org/display/WILDFIRE/Non-JiveWildfirePlugins you might want to try “netlog”. I don’'t know anything about it though. =)