Logging into talk.google.com

It appears as though the new code breaks legacy ssl support on 5223 - can anyone confirm this?

Hey Adam,

I tried using old SSL with Jive Messenger and it worked fine. Do you have the stack trace of the exception? Which server are you using? It would help also to have the exchanged XML packets.


– Gato

No exception - using jabberd2r6

Here’'s the sent packet:

<stream:stream to=“jbother.org” xmlns=“jabber:client” xmlns:stream=“http://etherx.jabber.org/streams” version=“1.0”>


and the received:


After this, it just hangs.


Hey Adam,

Ok, this is related to a question I sent yesterday to jdev. The problem is that Smack is expecting a element in the reply since the server sent a version=1.0 attribute in the stream element.

I think that we will have to modify Smack to consider that sometimes TLS is not being offered by the server even if version=1.0 was included in the stream element.

I will let you know when a fix is available for this problem or if Smack assumption was correct (which I don’'t think so).


– Gato

Hey Adam,

The issue SMACK-82 has been fixed. You can try again using the next nightly build. BTW, many other enhancements have been done such as SASL over plain connections or ANONYMOUS SASL.


– Gato

Hola Gato,

could you point me to the sources you had to modify, a diff, dates of commit, or anything that will make it a bit easier to patch a heavily modified 2.0.0 codebase?


Hola Javier,

Follow this link http://www.jivesoftware.org/fisheye/changelog/svn-org/smack?fromdate=11255508000 00&todate=1128142800000 to find out the required changes. You should only review changes made today.


– Gato

To connect to Google Talk using XMPPConnection instead of GoogleTalkConnection, what exactly do you set server name, service name and port to?

I’'ve tried (talk.google.com, 5223, gmail.com) and a few other more obvious alternative with no success.

What am I missing?

http://www.jivesoftware.org/fisheye/viewrep/svn-org/smack/trunk/source/org/jives oftware/smack/GoogleTalkConnection.java?r=2751

35 public GoogleTalkConnection() throws XMPPException {

36 super(“talk.google.com”, 5222, “gmail.com”);

37 }