Login failed after installation on XP

Newbie problem. Could not find resolution on forum. Just installed Openfire 3.6.4 on Windows XP. Installation went fine. Trying to login with the email address and password defined during installation and I get

Login failed: make sure your username and password are correct and that you’re an admin or moderator.

I’ve tried different combinations of “admin” since that was discussed on the forum.

I tried setting the tag in openfire.xml to false and redid the installation and got the same issue.

Is there a length issue to the length of the email address?

There was discussion about the @ sign might be causing issue??

I appreciate any assistance to get our evaluation rolling…

you should not be using an email address for the username. this will cause issues as JID are a combination of username and server name joined with an @ symbol just like email addresses (johnd@chatserver.domain.com). Use of an email address for a login name will cause issues.

I have username = admin and then I just type in my password defined during setup and I still get the Login failed message. Any thoughts?

I see in the database the encryptedPassword value of the admin password. Is there a simple way to decrypt this so I can log in as admin?

I had the same issue on my Linux setup and I need to reboot the server to login as admin.

Try that on the XP box, not sure if it will help , but worth a shot.

There is a bug, you need to restart the server after a setup JM-1537

That did it. Thanks!