Malfunctioning chat rooms

Over the last months we have developed a flash chat client using XIFF and Jive Messenger.

We are having between 30 and 100 anonymous concurrent users on one chat room.

After a couple hours, apparently the server fails to close connections on some users: the chat room starts to fill with nonexistent users and at a given point the server doesn’t broadcast messages anymore.

When we look at the admin console, the chat room information shows for example 680 users in the room, while the sessions list shows 60 active sessions.

We have tried with version 2.1.3 as well as the latest nightly builds. We are running on a Windows 2003 server with server JVM 1.5.0_02 and 256mb of memory available to the JVM.

We’'ve had a lot of help from Gato, but we are still having this problems. ¿Any ideas? ¿Has anyone experienced anything similar?

bump. Anyone?

Gato is really the expert on group chat and I know he’‘s been working on this issue. The current plan is to add monitoring of sockets into the server. If the monitor finds a socket that doesn’‘t appear to be functioning (after a 60 second timeout for example), it will forcibly close it. This should prevent threads from piling up trying to send data and therefore fix the issue you’'re seeing. The current goal is to get this fix into the 2.1.4 release.



FYI, the issue JM-297 was created for this problem and a bug fix is now available. The project in CVS has been branched so the latest nightly builds contain code that will be released for JM 2.2 such as server-to-server. Therefore, the bug fix for this problem is now available in the upcoming 2.1.4 version as well as in the next 2.2 version.

The server-to-server code has been tested and it seems to be working fine though some minor issues are still pending. So if you need this bug fix you have two options:. 1) Download the latest nightly build which also includes s2s support or 2) send me an email and I can send you the bug fix included the JM 2.1.4 code.


– Gato

Is there a time estimate on when 2.1.4 will be released? Something like before July 10th would be a lovely answer

I’‘ve had this issue for quite some time as well but I had our flash developers put a hook so that whenever they close down the flash app (like somebody clicking the x button on the browser) that it politely request a closing of the connection and that seems to have solved it for us. We haven’'t been able to have that problem ever since but it still would be nice to know there was a proper server side solution to this.