Mediated Invitations are not received on receiver side


Thanks for reading question.

We are creating a room and want other user to join the room. For which, we are sending mediated invitation.

We are building a MVC application and using Strophe. js

Openfire version is 3.10.3

the user Sachin_shinde is owner of the room.

if we are facing some issues with joining room, we are getting error even on invite. but with below, we are not getting any error.

But the problem is even invite is not getting delivered at other users end ?

<body rid='2117497500' xmlns='' sid='b8a70a56'>

<presence to='realizer2``@conference.eworkplace0/3f6fe22b-f41d-44a2-9a1c-70f17f7b6e64,sachin_shinde1234' xmlns='jabber:client'``>

<x xmlns=''/></presence>

<message from='3f6fe22b-f41d-44a2-9a1c-70f17f7b6e64``@eworkplace0' to='realizer2@conference.eworkplace0' xmlns='jabber:client'>

<x xmlns='``/protocol/muc#user'><invite to='6046acec-8c28-49e6-ad92-e4c95922a475@eworkplace0'><reason>Plz join re``</reason></invite></x></message></body>

I am new to openfire and any help is appreciable.


sachin Shinde

will it help if we add invited users on room through rest api? we have option to do that.

our main concern is we want invited user to join room immediately after room is created if user is online.