Meetings dependencies?

I have created an Openfire 4.0.4 server on a Centos 6 desktop and can adminstrate via web browser.

I have installed the Meetings 0.3.28 plugin via the Plugins tab of the Admin page in the web browser.

Next to the Plugins tab has appeared a new tab with the title Meetings.

Selecting this tab then Summary reveals “No active conferences”

Can anyone tell me the next step?

Does Openfire Meetings need anything else to be installed?

Why did you install it? What are you trying to achieve?

I’m trying to establish an easy to operate video calling system with a single elderly relative.

Using the telephone is fine but seeing faces is better and, in times of difficulty especially, more informative.

I have remote access to their Linux Mint desktop.

same problem with this issue.

maybe need the jitis videobridge and config discover it from openfire, but next step how to seting the ofmeeting plugins , I don’t know.

Read this
community-plugins/ofmeet at master · igniterealtime/community-plugins · GitHub

I have alreay read it .

But the meeting only use with web and no video show , only text msg can send or receive. I think some setting error.

In the document on github ,have not any detail setting or config guide for me , and not say the plugins dep on any other modules or app.

And I reading Jitsi Videobridge with Openfire | Jitsi for the videobridge , any help from that?