Message Audit logging not working?


I know this has probably been asked a million times before, but I couldn’t find a good answer to our specific problem. We’ve enabled message packet auditing on our openfire server and the jive audit logs are getting correctly written to and everything appears to be working properly. However, I’ve downloaded the xml log files it’s producing and viewed them in my browser and I don’t see any kind of useful information. All I see is hash garbage from the avatars of the users and a bunch of spam. I don’t see any actual message conversations between users.

Is there a way to change the auditing to only log actual conversations? I only want to see the conversation, the timestamp, and the to/from users. Can I use the standard audit logging for this, or is there a better way? Also, anything that writes to a database is a huge advantage over log files for us.



Did you try enabling the Monitoring Service plugin? this does everything you’re asking for.

The monitoring plug-in is exactly what I’m looking for. How big is this going to make our database? We’re expected to grow to 500 concurrent users.

What does message packeting auditing do? Is it a good idea to keep them around too, or are they pointless with the monitoring in place?



Don’t really have an answer for you on that one, sorry! Maybe wroot or someone will see this and be able to provide you with a better answer. I think the message packet auditing is for debugging.