Migration from Jive messenger to openfire 3.4.7

Hi All,

I am new in this community, many thanks for your help. I am using Jive messenger over windows 2000 server and I want to migrate it to openfire 3.4.7 over windows 2003. Does anyone suggest me of the steps to accomplish this? I have installed Openfire and moved embedded-db folder but it doesn’t works. I have about 200 users using this application.


Well, this is tough situation. What does it says in the launcher when you try to launch it (with the embedded-db folder already copied)? I would suggest exporting your users and importing them into a new database, but there is no way to find such an old version of Import Export plugin, if it even existed at that time. So, no solution. I’m afraid you will have to recreate whole userbase manually.

Hi wroot,

Many thanks for your response. When I copy the bbdd to new server and I launch openfire no error message appears. Before the copy I have reseted the admin password and configure other parameters but after the copy the openfire configuration has been reseted. For example the admin password is the predefined.


Try this way. Rename old installation folder to Openfire, also rename /conf/jive-messenger.xml to openfire.xml, then run Openfire setup and point it to that folder. Then laucnh Openfire. Usually it should try to upgrade database structure on first launch. I can see that there is upgrade scripts dating 2005 January (/openfire/resources/database/upgrade). If it is not doing this automatically, then, if you have some sql knowledge, you can try applying those scripts manually one by one. I’m not a db guy, so i can’t say how exactly this should be done. I suppose it would be easier with some standalone database, not the internal one, which is just a text file, not a real database.