Migration to JiveX (cloud)?

Yes, i’m from the past My brain can’t quickly scan through such a view.

I hope Jivex works better withu mobile Chrome. Editing your posts here is so much PITA. Though same with the desktop version of Jira. Yeah, i know there is a crippled mobile version of it, but i rather use full version:)

Should we rename to “Migration to 7.0” now? As i see Jive 7 is out.

JiveX may be the proper official name. In the cloud it’s v8 already.

The cloud mobile UI is fine as long as you have 1Mbit. With GPRS/Edge one waits much too long.

I can’t see myself browsing on Edge. It’s like no internet at all to me Even when my tablet shows 3g it is too slow for me.

So, it is 3 or more weeks after the migration? Impressions? We know that LG loves it

I can live with it. But man, it generates so much noise. I’m getting tired to mark read every time someone likes my replies or marks them as good. Even better, today someone has added a skill to my profile… what?? Well i must still accept or deny this, but why i have to be bothered with all this stuff…

Even such a small thing like hitting a reply button and a view jumping to the top hiding the last message in the thread (which i probably want to have before my eyes to post a reply).

Accessing my bookmarks via search is bizarre. Limited home screen (no personal widgets). I have this huge tree of spaces, but i don’t see groups there so i have to go to Places and filter by groups.

The site is switching to some limited mobile view when in portrait view on my tablet. So i have to constantly rotate it as typing is more convenient in portrait view for me.

Some good things. Email and inbox notification is sent after a post is approved in moderation. Browser’s built-in spellcheck is working in the editor.

I can live with it. But man, it generates so much noise. I’m getting tired to mark read every time someone likes my replies or marks them as good.

Indeed. My Inbox is full of so-called unread messages, although I have (probably) read each of them, just by navigating to the thread. This makes it hard to notice, if someone would write me a PM I guess. (I don’t know if PMs use the same Inbox icon).

Even such a small thing like hitting a reply button and a view jumping to the top hiding the last message in the thread (which i probably want to have before my eyes to post a reply).

Yes, it scrolls to the bottom of the page and you lose focus of the message, you want to reply to.

Otherwise it feels good to me. But I am not such a power user like you :slight_smile:

Actually it automatically marks a message as read in your inbox if you go to that thread. But i use email notifications and i’m used to just read the message in my email, delete it if i have nothing to say and that’s it. But now i go to the page and see a bunch of “unread” messages

Yes, I often read messages only in emails, too. Maybe I confused that. Or maybe notifications are still marked unread, if I navigate to a thread, while not being logged in!?

Yes, if you are not logged in, then it can’t mark it as read. It has to identify that it is you who is reading the thread

Ok, then this is the problem. I usually only log in, if I want to reply to a thread. The time when I am only in “read-mode”, I don’t log in. Then, when I eventually log in, I see XX unread messages, which is a little bit… hm… unexpected.

Why don’t you let the site to remember the login? Sharing your pc, or is it a public one?

Good question. Never thought about it. Thanks for the hint! I’ll try it.

It seems that in JiveX private message can only be received if you are in the connections of the receiving part (a “friend”). I have found a setting to disable this requirement. But i wanted to ask if everyone is ok with that. Current settings helps against a spam, but it also hampers the communication. Now i have to ask everyone to add me to connections to be able to PM them (and i have to know in advance whom i will want to send a PM).

We can enable it again.

Private discusions (currently disabled) would be an alternative.

Ok, let’s test. I have disabled the requirement. Will see if it will generate spam or too much private messages with “help me”

Private discusions (currently disabled) would be an alternative.

Where is this setting? How exactly does it work?

This should be the jive.usercontainer.thread.enabled=false system property - Jive would have to set it to true. Currently one must select “In a place” when creating a discussion - with this setting enabled one can also choose to keep it private and add users. But one can post also into the whole community (only visible in the activity stream) instead of selecting a place.

PS: I just disabled “Structured Outcomes” and hope that nobody is missing it. This is also the new default setting for JiveX.