Let me apologize in advance for what (hopefully) is a simple question. I just stumbled upon the inverse plugin for Openfire recently and it appears to be an excellent solution to a need I’ve had for a web based solution allowing realtime collaboration in an offline environment. And while it would work in its default setup, there are a couple of modifications I would like to make to the default, which appear to be straight forward according to the documentation I can find, I just can’t seem to figure out how to make the changes (i.e. - what configuration files, etc)… I’m in need of a plugins for dummies.
I would like to make the following configuration changes to the “out of the box” inverse:
Anonymous login - Out of the box requires a login or for user to register. This works fine in my environment, but ideally the user would just be anonymously logged in and brought to the Group Chat Room then prompted for a Nickname (see converse anonymous demo on their demo page for sample)
Group Chat Room Default - Once the user has entered a Nickname I would like them to be joined into a default group chat room. Currently once logged on a user has to search available groupchats to join one.
Fullscreen - I would like the chat display to be fullscreen (see converse fullscreen demo on their demo page for sample)
Based on what I’ve gathered from the Configuration Guide section of the Converse Documentation it appears to me that I should be able to initialize the converse plugin with the following command and have it apply these settings… But I can’t for the life of me figure out where this would be.
Can anyone point me in the direction of how I could accomplish this? For the test environment I am currently running this in, it is a Windows 2016 Server running Openfire 4.3.2 and the latest version of the inverse plugin. And this is my first real work with any of the plugins for Openfire, so I wouldn’t assume any base level of knowledge with regards to working with plugins when responding.
Thanks in advance for any assistance.