Monitoring plugin (stop working after upgrade to 4.8.1)

After upgrade top 4.8.1 monitoring plugin stop working with error:

2024.03.29 07:23:35.457 ERROR [PluginMonitorExec-2]: org.jivesoftware.openfire.container.PluginManager - An exception occurred while loading plugin ‘monitoring’:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: A task with ID MonitoringPlugin Conversations has already been added.

Any ideas?


This suggests that the old / previous version of the same plugin was not unloaded, or not unloaded properly. This can happen due to a bug (in which case you have to restart Openfire), or if you installed the plugin more than once, using different file names for the JAR file (this name should always be named monitoring.jar). If that happened, then remove the wrong JAR file, and restart Openfire.