Hi. I have updated the server to version 4.9.0. The history in the chat window has stopped loading in the Vacuum client. If you open the chat history, the messages are downloaded from the server.
How can I fix this situation?
I’m not familiar with this client. Are there any errors being logged by the client, or by Openfire? Can you provide a dump of the XMPP data that is exchanged when this problem occurs?
I’m not sure if I can tell you. Openfire has an XML Debugger plugin that may help, but I’m not sure if that is compatible with Openfire 4.9.0.
A good approach would be to obtain this from the client, but I don’t know if Vacuum has such features. You’ll have to talk to its developers to find out.
A feature has been noticed. New users or users who did not have messages in their history. If you start chatting, the story loads.
The development of the Vacuum client has been stopped. There are no updates and there won’t be any.