"Monitoring Service" Plugin Issue

I have been running the Openfire 3.6.4 server on CentOS for a little over a year now. For this entire time I have been using the “Monitoring Service” plugin with no problems until now. I have rebooted CentOS, restarted Openfire, restarted “Monitoring Service” plugin, and still no luck. My problem is in the Admin Console, under Server >> Statistics, the Statistics page does not load with any charts (attached figure1) and provides an error in the log files (attached error.log). When I click on “All Reports” the page loads successfully with charts, but the stats appear to have quit working on June 16, 2010 (attached figure2). Everything under Server >> Archiving is working properly. I turned on log debugging, and restarted the “Monitoring Service” plugin, and then received some output (attached debug.log).

Is anyone able to detect anything that looks wrong, and/or able to provide me with some much appreciated help?



error.log.zip (1067 Bytes)
debug.log.zip (1219 Bytes)

Hi Curt,

this is the relevant code (RrdSqlBackend.java):

protected void read(long offset, byte[] b) {
     int pos = (int) offset;
     for(int i = 0; i < b.length; i++) {
          b[i] = buffer[pos++]; /* line 141, matching
               at org.jivesoftware.openfire.reporting.stats.RrdSqlBackend.read(RrdSqlBackend.java:141) */

So you may want to execute an SQL query against your database: “SELECT count(*) from ofRRDs where id = 1;” which should return “1”. So it’s really odd as “buffer” is only “null” when it can not be read from the database, but in this case it will be created and a reload of the plugin should fix this problem.