More notifies

I remember i was talking about that long time ago. But now there is a better place for that. What i was thinking about is the additional notifies in the Forums. I miss notifies when my answers are awarded with points. Because sometimes people just give points without replying anything. I only see my points grow up but i dont know for what And maybe there could be some notify when your watched thread is marked as Answered. Though i dont know if it’'s possible to mark thread as answered without replying anything? If not, so there is no need in such notify.

Yeah, even if the reward notifications weren’‘t handled by email, it would be cool to be able to go to a page that showed the list of recent awards. Maybe there could be a notification message when your first login showing how many new points you’'ve earned since last login.


Hi Oleg,

some weeks I get 0 points and sometimes after a weekend 50 points - it could be interesting to know who did spend the points but I think it would take too long to check the details and the (sometimes) old threads again.

@Matt: I’'m much more interested in a public “Rewards Spend” / “Questions Asked” / “Open Questions” / “Questions Answered (helpful and correct)” ratio so one may want to keep it in a “clean” range. And probably also a limit for open questions.


Stop teasing me guys Yes, all that cool features would be great to have. But as for now. What about notifies? Just tell me (i mean Forums developers) what are you thinking about whole this thing (not a roadmap really, just thoughts) and…

it2000 wrote:

And probably also a limit for open questions.

… i will probably close that Question I have a lot of open questions. Sometimes i go through and close some. But there are some questions that i didint get a clear answer or i havent tested issues again yet.

P.S. nice football yesterday, LG And i was lucky by getting home for a second half

wroot wrote:

And maybe there could be some notify when your watched thread is marked as Answered. Though i dont know if it’'s possible to mark thread as answered without replying anything? If not, so there is no need in such notify.

It’'s possible, so a notify would be great.


Great idea, I’'m glad you bumped the thread.