Mouseover info box for roster users

Is there anyway to configure what information is shown in the mouseover box which appears when holding your mouse above a user’'s name in the roster ?

I would find it very usefull to display perhaps their phone number for examle in addition to their name/avatar which is already displayed.



I am also curious is the information hover box is configurable, especially in an Active Directory environment where I have plenty of Address, Telephone and other contact information available. I am running:

Spark Clients at 2.0.5

Wildfire Server 3.1.1 on a Windows 2003 Standard Server

Thanks in advance.


I know that there are a lot of plans for the MouseOver popup in the ContactList.

LG put in an awesome feature request to be able to put in note information for each contact.

One thing that might be put live is a users list of logged on resources and their status information. Possibly in 2.5 version flex


The popup isn’'t configurable as of 2.0.5.

Everything that is populated in the Mouseover is done in the code itself.

But do wait for the upcoming releases.

Pretty excited for what Derek has got goin.

I would find the ability to populate this box with some of their vCard information far more useful than “notes”. The difference being that if you have 20 people in your contact list it is going to take a lot of work to put notes with the information which would interest me (what is already present in their vCards) where as access to some of this simple information without having to go read their profile would be a great time saver.

A scenario would be you want to call/fax someone in your phone list, and although you can remember who each person is, you haven’'t memorized all their phone numbers. A quick mouseover of their name and you type their number into your phone without having to access their profile (some 3 clicks to get the phone numbers).

Anyway that is the kind of functionality I was thinking of. I guess I don’'t see the usefulness of notes at the moment.

Cheers, RioGD