MSN gateway failure -

As of this monrning we cannot connect to the msn gateway, the debug log points to a forced client upgrade that ms pushed out the other day.

let me know if theres anything i can help with

2007.09.25 09:54:12 MSN: Session messageSent for rob.adamo<at><nospam> : CVR 2 0x0409 winnt 5.1 i386 MSNMSGR 8.1.0178 MSMSGS


2007.09.25 09:54:12 session 15 sent message USR 3 TWN I rob.adamo<at><nospam>

2007.09.25 09:54:12 MSN: Session messageSent for rob.adamo<at><nospam> : USR 3 TWN I rob.adamo<at><nospam>

2007.09.25 09:54:12 session 15 received message VER 1 MSNP11 CVR0

2007.09.25 09:54:12 MSN: Session messageReceived for rob.adamo<at><nospam> : VER 1 MSNP11 CVR0

2007.09.25 09:54:12 session 15 received message CVR 2 8.1.0178 8.1.0178 8.1.0178 697402E4F7F/Install_Messenger.exe

2007.09.25 09:54:12 MSN: Session messageReceived for rob.adamo<at><nospam> : CVR 2 8.1.0178 8.1.0178 8.1.0178 697402E4F7F/Install_Messenger.exe

2007.09.25 09:54:12 session 15 received message XFR 3 NS 0

2007.09.25 09:54:12 session 15 closed

2007.09.25 09:54:12 MSN: Session closed for rob.adamo<at><nospam>

2007.09.25 09:54:12 MSN: Session messageReceived for rob.adamo<at><nospam> : XFR 3 NS 0

2007.09.25 09:54:12 session 16 established

2007.09.25 09:54:12 MSN: Session established for rob.adamo<at><nospam>

2007.09.25 09:54:12 session 16 sent message VER 1 MSNP11 CVR0

2007.09.25 09:54:12 MSN: Session messageSent for rob.adamo<at><nospam> : VER 1 MSNP11 CVR0

2007.09.25 09:54:12 session 16 sent message CVR 2 0x0409 winnt 5.1 i386 MSNMSGR 8.1.0178 MSMSGS rob.adamo<at><nospam>

2007.09.25 09:54:12 MSN: Session messageSent for rob.adamo<at><nospam> : CVR 2 0x0409 winnt 5.1 i386 MSNMSGR 8.1.0178 MSMSGS rob.adamo<at><nospam>

2007.09.25 09:54:12 session 16 sent message USR 3 TWN I rob.adamo<at><nospam>

2007.09.25 09:54:12 MSN: Session messageSent for rob.adamo<at><nospam> : USR 3 TWN I rob.adamo<at><nospam>

2007.09.25 09:54:12 session 16 received message VER 1 MSNP11 CVR0

2007.09.25 09:54:12 MSN: Session messageReceived for rob.adamo<at><nospam> : VER 1 MSNP11 CVR0

2007.09.25 09:54:12 session 16 received message CVR 2 8.1.0178 8.1.0178 8.1.0178 697402E4F7F/Install_Messenger.exe

2007.09.25 09:54:12 MSN: Session messageReceived for rob.adamo<at><nospam> : CVR 2 8.1.0178 8.1.0178 8.1.0178 697402E4F7F/Install_Messenger.exe

Where are you seeing a forced client upgrade? The client related lines are indicating that the client you are using (the gateway plugin) is of a perfectly fine vintage. (it -always- provides a link to where you can download the latest one) Unfortunately I’d have to see beyond that to know what might be going on.

The change is just as of this morning that we had the issue, After moving on to another project and retesting the login its working now. I rebooted the wildfire server before and that was no help, after that i updated the openfire up to the latest rev 3.3 and the im plugin, each was only 1 rev behind.

If you look at the logs below you can see where it attempts to make the connection but just dosent succede. Then on the second attempt follows the same path but logs in correctly.

2007.09.25 09:54:11 Received iq packet: <iq id=“eEk52-105” to=“” type=“get” from=“radamo<at>”><query xmlns=“”/></iq>

2007.09.25 09:54:11 msn: Sending packet: <iq type=“result” id=“eEk52-105” from=“” to=“radamo<at>”><query xmlns=“”><identity category=“gateway” type=“msn” name=“MSN Transport”/><feature var=“”/><feature var=“”/><feature var=“jabber:iq:gateway”/><feature var=“jabber:iq:register”/><feature var=“jabber:iq:version”/><feature var=“jabber:iq:registered”/></query></iq>

2007.09.25 09:54:12 Received presence packet: <presence id=“eEk52-106” to=“” from=“radamo<at>”/>

2007.09.25 09:54:12 A new session has come online: radamo<at>

2007.09.25 09:54:12 Created msn session for radamo<at> as ‘rob.adamo<at>

2007.09.25 09:54:12 Creating MSN session for rob.adamo<at>

2007.09.25 09:54:12 Logging in to MSN session for rob.adamo<at>

2007.09.25 09:54:12 session 15 established

2007.09.25 09:54:12 MSN: Session established for rob.adamo<at>

2007.09.25 09:54:12 session 15 sent message VER 1 MSNP11 CVR0

2007.09.25 09:54:12 MSN: Session messageSent for rob.adamo<at> : VER 1 MSNP11 CVR0

2007.09.25 09:54:12 session 15 sent message CVR 2 0x0409 winnt 5.1 i386 MSNMSGR 8.1.0178 MSMSGS rob.adamo<at>

2007.09.25 09:54:12 MSN: Session messageSent for rob.adamo<at> : CVR 2 0x0409 winnt 5.1 i386 MSNMSGR 8.1.0178 MSMSGS rob.adamo<at>

2007.09.25 09:54:12 session 15 sent message USR 3 TWN I rob.adamo<at>

2007.09.25 09:54:12 MSN: Session messageSent for rob.adamo<at> : USR 3 TWN I rob.adamo<at>

2007.09.25 09:54:12 session 15 received message VER 1 MSNP11 CVR0

2007.09.25 09:54:12 MSN: Session messageReceived for rob.adamo<at> : VER 1 MSNP11 CVR0

2007.09.25 09:54:12 session 15 received message CVR 2 8.1.0178 8.1.0178 8.1.0178 697402E4F7F/Install_Messenger.exe

2007.09.25 09:54:12 MSN: Session messageReceived for rob.adamo<at> : CVR 2 8.1.0178 8.1.0178 8.1.0178 697402E4F7F/Install_Messenger.exe

2007.09.25 09:54:12 session 15 received message XFR 3 NS 0

2007.09.25 09:54:12 session 15 closed

2007.09.25 09:54:12 MSN: Session closed for rob.adamo<at>

2007.09.25 09:54:12 MSN: Session messageReceived for rob.adamo<at> : XFR 3 NS 0

2007.09.25 09:54:12 session 16 established

2007.09.25 09:54:12 MSN: Session established for rob.adamo<at>

2007.09.25 09:54:12 session 16 sent message VER 1 MSNP11 CVR0

2007.09.25 09:54:12 MSN: Session messageSent for rob.adamo<at> : VER 1 MSNP11 CVR0

2007.09.25 09:54:12 session 16 sent message CVR 2 0x0409 winnt 5.1 i386 MSNMSGR 8.1.0178 MSMSGS rob.adamo<at>

2007.09.25 09:54:12 MSN: Session messageSent for rob.adamo<at> : CVR 2 0x0409 winnt 5.1 i386 MSNMSGR 8.1.0178 MSMSGS rob.adamo<at>

2007.09.25 09:54:12 session 16 sent message USR 3 TWN I rob.adamo<at>

2007.09.25 09:54:12 MSN: Session messageSent for rob.adamo<at> : USR 3 TWN I rob.adamo<at>

2007.09.25 09:54:12 session 16 received message VER 1 MSNP11 CVR0

2007.09.25 09:54:12 MSN: Session messageReceived for rob.adamo<at> : VER 1 MSNP11 CVR0

2007.09.25 09:54:12 session 16 received message CVR 2 8.1.0178 8.1.0178 8.1.0178 697402E4F7F/Install_Messenger.exe

2007.09.25 09:54:12 MSN: Session messageReceived for rob.adamo<at> : CVR 2 8.1.0178 8.1.0178 8.1.0178 697402E4F7F/Install_Messenger.exe

2007.09.25 09:54:12 session 16 received message USR 3 TWN S lc=1033,id=507,tw=40,ru=http%3A%2F%2Fmessenger%2Emsn%2Ecom,ct=1190739248,kpp=1, kv=9,ver=2.1.6000.1,rn=KcWVYWaF,tpf=f12502edc6709c57d8ba9a32c7aaee7a

2007.09.25 09:54:12 MSN: Session messageReceived for rob.adamo<at> : USR 3 TWN S lc=1033,id=507,tw=40,ru=http%3A%2F%2Fmessenger%2Emsn%2Ecom,ct=1190739248,kpp=1, kv=9,ver=2.1.6000.1,rn=KcWVYWaF,tpf=f12502edc6709c57d8ba9a32c7aaee7a

2007.09.25 09:54:13 session 16 sent message USR 4 TWN S t=9eTNHC7pBEaqTvUFUQHnNAog5i2xeUjimPGELAG6T4xQWPTPq!fSUWrKKEme6d4JRu0Fnn2KHYIpr zgg5rrKVmDL93I1IzJ2IBcLapfWSKf1jGQXQLMpgER!!aVUJf8mwP&p=9pcZoztKRCzTzbUte2AuLOrr FpG6Uv0Lr7cBSvBJEjAWbzRY8fzpoOhhbZtRFmF8JqRhJpKlI!sSXz3yhrvx!yW93eFiDvR1mydzKmE6R7wMkadZef983fERC4h2TKcdbqDgVWMCVXr490iydMKzjkH6NQh622D39 11bW1LgsOgxLvp6e9RZYD*hOcDBjg22

2007.09.25 09:54:13 MSN: Session messageSent for rob.adamo<at> : USR 4 TWN S t=9eTNHC7pBEaqTvUFUQHnNAog5i2xeUjimPGELAG6T4xQWPTPq!fSUWrKKEme6d4JRu0Fnn2KHYIpr zgg5rrKVmDL93I1IzJ2IBcLapfWSKf1jGQXQLMpgER!!aVUJf8mwP&p=9pcZoztKRCzTzbUte2AuLOrr FpG6Uv0Lr7cBSvBJEjAWbzRY8fzpoOhhbZtRFmF8JqRhJpKlI!sSXz3yhrvx!yW93eFiDvR1mydzKmE6R7wMkadZef983fERC4h2TKcdbqDgVWMCVXr490iydMKzjkH6NQh622D39 11bW1LgsOgxLvp6e9RZYD*hOcDBjg22

2007.09.25 09:54:23 session 16 received message USR 4 OK rob.adamo<at> 1 0

2007.09.25 09:54:23 MSN: Login completed for rob.adamo<at>

2007.09.25 09:54:23 MSN: Session messageReceived for rob.adamo<at> : USR 4 OK rob.adamo<at> 1 0

2007.09.25 09:54:23 session 16 received message SBS 0 null

2007.09.25 09:54:23 MSN: Session messageReceived for rob.adamo<at> : SBS 0 null

2007.09.25 09:54:23 session 16 received message MSG Hotmail Hotmail 516


Chunk Debug


MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/x-msmsgsprofile; charset=UTF-8

LoginTime: 1190739259

EmailEnabled: 1

MemberIdHigh: 442365

MemberIdLow: -1633558299

lang_preference: 1033


country: US



Kid: 0





Flags: 1073742915

sid: 507

MSPAuth: 9eTNHC7pBEaqTvUFUQHnNAog5i2xeUjimPGELAG6T4xQWPTPq!fSUWrKKEme6d4JRu0Fnn2KHYIprzg g5rrKVmDL93I1IzJ2IBcLapfWSKf1jGQXQLMpgER!!aVUJf8mwP


ClientPort: 27696

ABCHMigrated: 1


Binary Chunk Debug


00000000h: 4D 49 4D 45 2D 56 65 72 73 69 6F 6E 3A 20 31 2E ; MIME-Version: 1.

00000010h: 30 0D 0A 43 6F 6E 74 65 6E 74 2D 54 79 70 65 3A ; 0…Content-Type:

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00000030h: 6F 66 69 6C 65 3B 20 63 68 61 72 73 65 74 3D 55 ; ofile; charset=U

00000040h: 54 46 2D 38 0D 0A 4C 6F 67 69 6E 54 69 6D 65 3A ; TF-8…LoginTime:

00000050h: 20 31 31 39 30 37 33 39 32 35 39 0D 0A 45 6D 61 ; 1190739259…Ema

00000060h: 69 6C 45 6E 61 62 6C 65 64 3A 20 31 0D 0A 4D 65 ; ilEnabled: 1…Me

00000070h: 6D 62 65 72 49 64 48 69 67 68 3A 20 34 34 32 33 ; mberIdHigh: 4423

00000080h: 36 35 0D 0A 4D 65 6D 62 65 72 49 64 4C 6F 77 3A ; 65…MemberIdLow:

00000090h: 20 2D 31 36 33 33 35 35 38 32 39 39 0D 0A 6C 61 ; -1633558299…la

000000a0h: 6E 67 5F 70 72 65 66 65 72 65 6E 63 65 3A 20 31 ; ng_preference: 1

000000b0h: 30 33 33 0D 0A 70 72 65 66 65 72 72 65 64 45 6D ; 033…preferredEm

000000c0h: 61 69 6C 3A 20 0D 0A 63 6F 75 6E 74 72 79 3A 20 ; ail: …country:

000000d0h: 55 53 0D 0A 50 6F 73 74 61 6C 43 6F 64 65 3A 20 ; US…PostalCode:

000000e0h: 0D 0A 47 65 6E 64 65 72 3A 20 0D 0A 4B 69 64 3A ; …Gender: …Kid:

000000f0h: 20 30 0D 0A 41 67 65 3A 20 0D 0A 42 44 61 79 50 ; 0…Age: …BDayP

00000100h: 72 65 3A 20 0D 0A 42 69 72 74 68 64 61 79 3A 20 ; re: …Birthday:

00000110h: 0D 0A 57 61 6C 6C 65 74 3A 20 0D 0A 46 6C 61 67 ; …Wallet: …Flag

00000120h: 73 3A 20 31 30 37 33 37 34 32 39 31 35 0D 0A 73 ; s: 1073742915…s

00000130h: 69 64 3A 20 35 30 37 0D 0A 4D 53 50 41 75 74 68 ; id: 507…MSPAuth

00000140h: 3A 20 39 65 54 4E 48 43 37 70 42 45 61 71 54 76 ; : 9eTNHC7pBEaqTv

00000150h: 55 46 55 51 48 6E 4E 41 6F 67 35 69 32 78 65 55 ; UFUQHnNAog5i2xeU

00000160h: 6A 69 6D 50 47 45 4C 41 47 36 54 34 78 51 57 50 ; jimPGELAG6T4xQWP

00000170h: 54 50 71 21 66 53 55 57 72 4B 4B 45 6D 65 36 64 ; TPq!fSUWrKKEme6d

00000180h: 34 4A 52 75 30 46 6E 6E 32 4B 48 59 49 70 72 7A ; 4JRu0Fnn2KHYIprz

00000190h: 67 67 35 72 72 4B 56 6D 44 4C 39 33 49 31 49 7A ; gg5rrKVmDL93I1Iz

000001a0h: 4A 32 49 42 63 4C 61 70 66 57 53 4B 66 31 6A 47 ; J2IBcLapfWSKf1jG

000001b0h: 51 58 51 4C 4D 70 67 45 52 21 21 61 56 55 4A 66 ; QXQLMpgER!!aVUJf

000001c0h: 38 6D 77 50 0D 0A 43 6C 69 65 6E 74 49 50 3A 20 ; 8mwP…ClientIP:

000001d0h: 37 31 2E 39 32 2E 31 34 37 2E 32 31 0D 0A 43 6C ;…Cl

000001e0h: 69 65 6E 74 50 6F 72 74 3A 20 32 37 36 39 36 0D ; ientPort: 27696.

000001f0h: 0A 41 42 43 48 4D 69 67 72 61 74 65 64 3A 20 31 ; .ABCHMigrated: 1

00000200h: 0D 0A 0D 0A ; …

2007.09.25 09:54:23 MSN: Session messageReceived for rob.adamo<at> : MSG Hotmail Hotmail 516


Chunk Debug


MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/x-msmsgsprofile; charset=UTF-8

LoginTime: 1190739259

EmailEnabled: 1

MemberIdHigh: 442365

MemberIdLow: -1633558299

lang_preference: 1033


country: US



Kid: 0





Flags: 1073742915

sid: 507

MSPAuth: 9eTNHC7pBEaqTvUFUQHnNAog5i2xeUjimPGELAG6T4xQWPTPq!fSUWrKKEme6d4JRu0Fnn2KHYIprzg g5rrKVmDL93I1IzJ2IBcLapfWSKf1jGQXQLMpgER!!aVUJf8mwP


ClientPort: 27696

ABCHMigrated: 1


Binary Chunk Debug


00000000h: 4D 49 4D 45 2D 56 65 72 73 69 6F 6E 3A 20 31 2E ; MIME-Version: 1.

00000010h: 30 0D 0A 43 6F 6E 74 65 6E 74 2D 54 79 70 65 3A ; 0…Content-Type:

00000020h: 20 74 65 78 74 2F 78 2D 6D 73 6D 73 67 73 70 72 ; text/x-msmsgspr

00000030h: 6F 66 69 6C 65 3B 20 63 68 61 72 73 65 74 3D 55 ; ofile; charset=U

00000040h: 54 46 2D 38 0D 0A 4C 6F 67 69 6E 54 69 6D 65 3A ; TF-8…LoginTime:

00000050h: 20 31 31 39 30 37 33 39 32 35 39 0D 0A 45 6D 61 ; 1190739259…Ema

00000060h: 69 6C 45 6E 61 62 6C 65 64 3A 20 31 0D 0A 4D 65 ; ilEnabled: 1…Me

00000070h: 6D 62 65 72 49 64 48 69 67 68 3A 20 34 34 32 33 ; mberIdHigh: 4423

00000080h: 36 35 0D 0A 4D 65 6D 62 65 72 49 64 4C 6F 77 3A ; 65…MemberIdLow:

00000090h: 20 2D 31 36 33 33 35 35 38 32 39 39 0D 0A 6C 61 ; -1633558299…la

000000a0h: 6E 67 5F 70 72 65 66 65 72 65 6E 63 65 3A 20 31 ; ng_preference: 1

000000b0h: 30 33 33 0D 0A 70 72 65 66 65 72 72 65 64 45 6D ; 033…preferredEm

000000c0h: 61 69 6C 3A 20 0D 0A 63 6F 75 6E 74 72 79 3A 20 ; ail: …country:

000000d0h: 55 53 0D 0A 50 6F 73 74 61 6C 43 6F 64 65 3A 20 ; US…PostalCode:

000000e0h: 0D 0A 47 65 6E 64 65 72 3A 20 0D 0A 4B 69 64 3A ; …Gender: …Kid:

000000f0h: 20 30 0D 0A 41 67 65 3A 20 0D 0A 42 44 61 79 50 ; 0…Age: …BDayP

00000100h: 72 65 3A 20 0D 0A 42 69 72 74 68 64 61 79 3A 20 ; re: …Birthday:

00000110h: 0D 0A 57 61 6C 6C 65 74 3A 20 0D 0A 46 6C 61 67 ; …Wallet: …Flag

00000120h: 73 3A 20 31 30 37 33 37 34 32 39 31 35 0D 0A 73 ; s: 1073742915…s

00000130h: 69 64 3A 20 35 30 37 0D 0A 4D 53 50 41 75 74 68 ; id: 507…MSPAuth

00000140h: 3A 20 39 65 54 4E 48 43 37 70 42 45 61 71 54 76 ; : 9eTNHC7pBEaqTv

00000150h: 55 46 55 51 48 6E 4E 41 6F 67 35 69 32 78 65 55 ; UFUQHnNAog5i2xeU

00000160h: 6A 69 6D 50 47 45 4C 41 47 36 54 34 78 51 57 50 ; jimPGELAG6T4xQWP

00000170h: 54 50 71 21 66 53 55 57 72 4B 4B 45 6D 65 36 64 ; TPq!fSUWrKKEme6d

00000180h: 34 4A 52 75 30 46 6E 6E 32 4B 48 59 49 70 72 7A ; 4JRu0Fnn2KHYIprz

00000190h: 67 67 35 72 72 4B 56 6D 44 4C 39 33 49 31 49 7A ; gg5rrKVmDL93I1Iz

000001a0h: 4A 32 49 42 63 4C 61 70 66 57 53 4B 66 31 6A 47 ; J2IBcLapfWSKf1jG

000001b0h: 51 58 51 4C 4D 70 67 45 52 21 21 61 56 55 4A 66 ; QXQLMpgER!!aVUJf

000001c0h: 38 6D 77 50 0D 0A 43 6C 69 65 6E 74 49 50 3A 20 ; 8mwP…ClientIP:

000001d0h: 37 31 2E 39 32 2E 31 34 37 2E 32 31 0D 0A 43 6C ;…Cl

000001e0h: 69 65 6E 74 50 6F 72 74 3A 20 32 37 36 39 36 0D ; ientPort: 27696.

000001f0h: 0A 41 42 43 48 4D 69 67 72 61 74 65 64 3A 20 31 ; .ABCHMigrated: 1

00000200h: 0D 0A 0D 0A ; …

2007.09.25 09:54:23 session 16 sent message SYN 5 0 0

2007.09.25 09:54:23 MSN: Session messageSent for rob.adamo<at> : SYN 5 0 0

2007.09.25 09:54:23 session 16 received message SYN 5 2007-09-24T16:20:49.14-07:00 2007-09-24T16:20:49.203-07:00 30 0

2007.09.25 09:54:23 MSN: Session messageReceived for rob.adamo<at> : SYN 5 2007-09-24T16:20:49.14-07:00 2007-09-24T16:20:49.203-07:00 30 0

2007.09.25 09:54:23 session 16 received message GTC A

2007.09.25 09:54:23 MSN: Session messageReceived for rob.adamo<at> : GTC A

2007.09.25 09:54:23 session 16 received message BLP BL

2007.09.25 09:54:23 MSN: Session messageReceived for rob.adamo<at> : BLP BL

2007.09.25 09:54:23 session 16 received message PRP MFN Robert

2007.09.25 09:54:23 MSN: Session messageReceived for rob.adamo<at> : PRP MFN Robert

2007.09.25 09:54:23 session 16 received message PRP MBE N

2007.09.25 09:54:23 MSN: Session messageReceived for rob.adamo<at> : PRP MBE N

2007.09.25 09:54:23 session 16 received message PRP WWE 0

2007.09.25 09:54:23 MSN: Session messageReceived for rob.adamo<at> : PRP WWE 0

2007.09.25 09:54:23 session 16 sent message CHG 6 NLN 1342472236

2007.09.25 09:54:23 MSN: Session messageSent for rob.adamo<at> : CHG 6 NLN 1342472236

2007.09.25 09:54:23 session 16 received message LST N=shifty_54<at> F=shifty_54<at> C=ea1e3e3f-a7f4-4f67-9659-06a1eab55339 19

2007.09.25 09:54:23 MSN: Session messageReceived for rob.adamo<at> : LST N=shifty_54<at> F=shifty_54<at> C=ea1e3e3f-a7f4-4f67-9659-06a1eab55339 19

2007.09.25 09:54:23 session 16 received message LST N=ksaaranen<at> F=Kylei C=1c3dd56b-5011-40f3-b767-0ef536fa8aaa 11

2007.09.25 09:54:23 MSN: Session messageReceived for rob.adamo<at> : LST N=ksaaranen<at> F=Kylei C=1c3dd56b-5011-40f3-b767-0ef536fa8aaa 11

2007.09.25 09:54:23 session 16 received message LST N=rob.adamo<at> F=Robert C=cba212f7-3e9a-4012-8731-16bbd9330261 11

2007.09.25 09:54:23 MSN: Session messageReceived for rob.adamo<at> : LST N=rob.adamo<at> F=Robert C=cba212f7-3e9a-4012-8731-16bbd9330261 11

2007.09.25 09:54:23 session 16 received message LST N=e-lake<at> F=Ed C=595aaeb2-4c55-4eec-9dad-27b175b6a586 11

2007.09.25 09:54:23 MSN: Session messageReceived for rob.adamo<at> : LST N=e-lake<at> F=Ed C=595aaeb2-4c55-4eec-9dad-27b175b6a586 11

2007.09.25 09:54:23 session 16 received message LST N=cs69354<at> F=Cynthia C=a90a8a4a-b3c2-4caa-a4cb-29a9ad8a2e72 11

2007.09.25 09:54:23 MSN: Session messageReceived for rob.adamo<at> : LST N=cs69354<at> F=Cynthia C=a90a8a4a-b3c2-4caa-a4cb-29a9ad8a2e72 11

2007.09.25 09:54:23 session 16 received message LST N=beamer_9us<at> F=Bryan%20Wood C=0b153462-4ea9-4fd9-b53e-307907f1d661 11

2007.09.25 09:54:23 MSN: Session messageReceived for rob.adamo<at> : LST N=beamer_9us<at> F=Bryan%20Wood C=0b153462-4ea9-4fd9-b53e-307907f1d661 11

2007.09.25 09:54:23 session 16 received message LST N=jthomas<at> F=jthomas<at> C=0cddc2af-71be-4487-81b9-35c5100dd6cb 11

2007.09.25 09:54:23 MSN: Session messageReceived for rob.adamo<at> : LST N=jthomas<at> F=jthomas<at> C=0cddc2af-71be-4487-81b9-35c5100dd6cb 11

2007.09.25 09:54:23 session 16 received message LST N=nikkibier<at> F=Nicole C=ca4d73ec-5478-4bf2-bdf4-3c999df73049 11

2007.09.25 09:54:23 MSN: Session messageReceived for rob.adamo<at> : LST N=nikkibier<at> F=Nicole C=ca4d73ec-5478-4bf2-bdf4-3c999df73049 11

2007.09.25 09:54:23 session 16 received message LST N=blawruk<at> F=BuddyL%20*bgca C=8ef01bb6-98a2-4b67-80af-3ea6ed5b1235 11

2007.09.25 09:54:23 MSN: Session messageReceived for rob.adamo<at> : LST N=blawruk<at> F=BuddyL%20*bgca C=8ef01bb6-98a2-4b67-80af-3ea6ed5b1235 11

2007.09.25 09:54:23 session 16 received message BPR MOB Y

2007.09.25 09:54:23 MSN: Session messageReceived for rob.adamo<at> : BPR MOB Y

2007.09.25 09:54:23 session 16 received message BPR HSB 1

2007.09.25 09:54:23 MSN: Session messageReceived for rob.adamo<at> : BPR HSB 1

2007.09.25 09:54:23 session 16 received message LST N=kyradr<at> F=Kyra C=89a48f3b-e3d2-443b-9284-3f2b39da3e3f 11

2007.09.25 09:54:23 MSN: Session messageReceived for rob.adamo<at> : LST N=kyradr<at> F=Kyra C=89a48f3b-e3d2-443b-9284-3f2b39da3e3f 11

2007.09.25 09:54:23 session 16 received message LST N=lckolln<at> F=Leah C=eecbd31c-a164-4c5a-b660-47a9f85a97be 11

2007.09.25 09:54:23 MSN: Session messageReceived for rob.adamo<at> : LST N=lckolln<at> F=Leah C=eecbd31c-a164-4c5a-b660-47a9f85a97be 11

2007.09.25 09:54:23 session 16 received message LST N=ds_bean<at> F=DeAndrea C=fce630bf-2907-4077-8608-4bb0cb962c7b 11

2007.09.25 09:54:23 MSN: Session messageReceived for rob.adamo<at> : LST N=ds_bean<at> F=DeAndrea C=fce630bf-2907-4077-8608-4bb0cb962c7b 11

2007.09.25 09:54:23 session 16 received message LST N=scurry<at> F=Sue%20Curry C=e8772500-f5ec-4deb-bffd-50c215cd9f4a 11

2007.09.25 09:54:23 MSN: Session messageReceived for rob.adamo<at> : LST N=scurry<at> F=Sue%20Curry C=e8772500-f5ec-4deb-bffd-50c215cd9f4a 11

2007.09.25 09:54:23 session 16 received message LST N=raleigh_007<at> F=Abe C=5faf2e2c-61f1-431d-b6d9-5d729d45fe46 11

2007.09.25 09:54:23 MSN: Session messageReceived for rob.adamo<at> : LST N=raleigh_007<at> F=Abe C=5faf2e2c-61f1-431d-b6d9-5d729d45fe46 11

2007.09.25 09:54:23 session 16 received message LST N=bhart1978<at> F=Barry C=110e8db5-7237-409d-9898-64aed4603b30 11

2007.09.25 09:54:23 MSN: Session messageReceived for rob.adamo<at> : LST N=bhart1978<at> F=Barry C=110e8db5-7237-409d-9898-64aed4603b30 11

2007.09.25 09:54:23 session 16 received message LST N=nickiru<at> F=Nicki%20Russo C=4f147c28-0c3b-4eb0-8ad8-7711960b82bb 11

2007.09.25 09:54:23 MSN: Session messageReceived for rob.adamo<at> : LST N=nickiru<at> F=Nicki%20Russo C=4f147c28-0c3b-4eb0-8ad8-7711960b82bb 11

2007.09.25 09:54:23 session 16 received message LST N=compserv<at> F=compserv<at> C=f2e9c376-46f9-468d-bd8a-7e7c39dcdbd0 11

2007.09.25 09:54:23 MSN: Session messageReceived for rob.adamo<at> : LST N=compserv<at> F=compserv<at> C=f2e9c376-46f9-468d-bd8a-7e7c39dcdbd0 11

2007.09.25 09:54:23 session 16 received message LST N=brad_rigby<at> F=Brad C=527a4851-7e6b-4ca4-b95a-82ef6064d44d 11

2007.09.25 09:54:23 MSN: Session messageReceived for rob.adamo<at> : LST N=brad_rigby<at> F=Brad C=527a4851-7e6b-4ca4-b95a-82ef6064d44d 11

2007.09.25 09:54:23 session 16 received message LST N=katyhorn<at> F=Katy C=5285870b-2b8b-410d-bf89-8c8b271e7841 11

2007.09.25 09:54:23 MSN: Session messageReceived for rob.adamo<at> : LST N=katyhorn<at> F=Katy C=5285870b-2b8b-410d-bf89-8c8b271e7841 11

2007.09.25 09:54:23 session 16 received message BPR MOB Y

2007.09.25 09:54:23 MSN: Session messageReceived for rob.adamo<at> : BPR MOB Y

2007.09.25 09:54:23 session 16 received message BPR HSB 1

2007.09.25 09:54:23 MSN: Session messageReceived for rob.adamo<at> : BPR HSB 1

2007.09.25 09:54:23 session 16 received message LST N=vikes78<at> F=Chad C=4291c93e-f265-48d8-a4d6-8ff211b2255d 11

2007.09.25 09:54:23 MSN: Session messageReceived for rob.adamo<at> : LST N=vikes78<at> F=Chad C=4291c93e-f265-48d8-a4d6-8ff211b2255d 11

2007.09.25 09:54:23 session 16 received message LST N=m_mcmillon<at> F=Michael C=eccb04d3-d9dd-462f-96dd-a76fd856830d 11

2007.09.25 09:54:23 MSN: Session messageReceived for rob.adamo<at> : LST N=m_mcmillon<at> F=Michael C=eccb04d3-d9dd-462f-96dd-a76fd856830d 11

2007.09.25 09:54:23 session 16 received message LST N=jsever759<at> F=John%20Severance C=b96bd352-4e03-4bc8-9809-b593013a0063 11

2007.09.25 09:54:23 MSN: Session messageReceived for rob.adamo<at> : LST N=jsever759<at> F=John%20Severance C=b96bd352-4e03-4bc8-9809-b593013a0063 11

2007.09.25 09:54:23 session 16 received message LST N=quentinelton<at> F=Q C=d140adb0-5f26-4db4-b02e-bdd21d821efb 11

2007.09.25 09:54:23 MSN: Session messageReceived for rob.adamo<at> : LST N=quentinelton<at> F=Q C=d140adb0-5f26-4db4-b02e-bdd21d821efb 11

2007.09.25 09:54:23 session 16 received message BPR HSB 1

2007.09.25 09:54:23 MSN: Session messageReceived for rob.adamo<at> : BPR HSB 1

2007.09.25 09:54:23 session 16 received message LST N=bkbristlin<at> F=Brian C=29871274-6d6b-49dd-a812-c57ceae988db 11

2007.09.25 09:54:23 MSN: Session messageReceived for rob.adamo<at> : LST N=bkbristlin<at> F=Brian C=29871274-6d6b-49dd-a812-c57ceae988db 11

2007.09.25 09:54:23 session 16 received message LST N=darcierusso<at> F=Darcie C=ed597202-70a8-4272-b238-c69b4fe24095 11

2007.09.25 09:54:23 MSN: Session messageReceived for rob.adamo<at> : LST N=darcierusso<at> F=Darcie C=ed597202-70a8-4272-b238-c69b4fe24095 11

2007.09.25 09:54:23 session 16 received message BPR HSB 1

2007.09.25 09:54:23 MSN: Session messageReceived for rob.adamo<at> : BPR HSB 1

2007.09.25 09:54:23 session 16 received message LST N=jmcfarland19<at> F=Jordan C=84348f5e-11d2-4ec0-aa19-d14e99b5c272 11

2007.09.25 09:54:23 MSN: Session messageReceived for rob.adamo<at> : LST N=jmcfarland19<at> F=Jordan C=84348f5e-11d2-4ec0-aa19-d14e99b5c272 11

2007.09.25 09:54:23 session 16 received message BPR HSB 1

2007.09.25 09:54:23 MSN: Session messageReceived for rob.adamo<at> : BPR HSB 1

2007.09.25 09:54:23 session 16 received message LST N=ajossy1960<at> F=Andy C=e489fc92-3276-40df-bfb3-d2e1a24c6faf 11

2007.09.25 09:54:23 MSN: Session messageReceived for rob.adamo<at> : LST N=ajossy1960<at> F=Andy C=e489fc92-3276-40df-bfb3-d2e1a24c6faf 11

2007.09.25 09:54:23 session 16 received message BPR HSB 1

2007.09.25 09:54:23 MSN: Session messageReceived for rob.adamo<at> : BPR HSB 1

2007.09.25 09:54:23 session 16 received message LST N=rpearson<at> F=rpearson<at> C=e92f4520-3442-409e-a065-d755bfb9968f 11

2007.09.25 09:54:23 MSN: Session messageReceived for rob.adamo<at> : LST N=rpearson<at> F=rpearson<at> C=e92f4520-3442-409e-a065-d755bfb9968f 11

2007.09.25 09:54:23 session 16 received message LST N=christy_paulsen<at> F=Christy C=ea4794c7-3245-4fc3-a23f-e6ea88948af0 11

2007.09.25 09:54:23 MSN: Session messageReceived for rob.adamo<at> : LST N=christy_paulsen<at> F=Christy C=ea4794c7-3245-4fc3-a23f-e6ea88948af0 11

2007.09.25 09:54:23 session 16 received message LST N=ottcat<at> F=CAT C=d0cd7f25-f86a-4c68-a35b-fdb247889cef 11

2007.09.25 09:54:23 MSN: Contact list sync for rob.adamo<at>

2007.09.25 09:54:23 MSN: Session messageReceived for rob.adamo<at> : LST N=ottcat<at> F=CAT C=d0cd7f25-f86a-4c68-a35b-fdb247889cef 11

2007.09.25 09:54:23 session 16 received message MSG Hotmail Hotmail 291


Chunk Debug


MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/x-msmsgsinitialmdatanotification; charset=UTF-8

Mail-Data: <MD><E><I>11</I><IU>11</IU><O>0</O ><OU>0</OU></E><Q><QTM>409600</QTM><QN M>204800</QNM></Q></MD>

Inbox-URL: /cgi-bin/HoTMaiL

Folders-URL: /cgi-bin/folders



Binary Chunk Debug


00000000h: 4D 49 4D 45 2D 56 65 72 73 69 6F 6E 3A 20 31 2E ; MIME-Version: 1.

00000010h: 30 0D 0A 43 6F 6E 74 65 6E 74 2D 54 79 70 65 3A ; 0…Content-Type:

00000020h: 20 74 65 78 74 2F 78 2D 6D 73 6D 73 67 73 69 6E ; text/x-msmsgsin

00000030h: 69 74 69 61 6C 6D 64 61 74 61 6E 6F 74 69 66 69 ; itialmdatanotifi

00000040h: 63 61 74 69 6F 6E 3B 20 63 68 61 72 73 65 74 3D ; cation; charset=

00000050h: 55 54 46 2D 38 0D 0A 0D 0A 4D 61 69 6C 2D 44 61 ; UTF-8…Mail-Da

00000060h: 74 61 3A 20 3C 4D 44 3E 3C 45 3E 3C 49 3E 31 31 ; ta: <MD><E><I>11

00000070h: 3C 2F 49 3E 3C 49 55 3E 31 31 3C 2F 49 55 3E 3C ; </I><IU>11</IU><

00000080h: 4F 3E 30 3C 2F 4F 3E 3C 4F 55 3E 30 3C 2F 4F 55 ; O>0</O><OU>0</OU

00000090h: 3E 3C 2F 45 3E 3C 51 3E 3C 51 54 4D 3E 34 30 39 ; ></E><Q><QTM>409

000000a0h: 36 30 30 3C 2F 51 54 4D 3E 3C 51 4E 4D 3E 32 30 ; 600</QTM><QNM>20

000000b0h: 34 38 30 30 3C 2F 51 4E 4D 3E 3C 2F 51 3E 3C 2F ; 4800</QNM></Q></

000000c0h: 4D 44 3E 0D 0A 49 6E 62 6F 78 2D 55 52 4C 3A 20 ; MD>…Inbox-URL:

000000d0h: 2F 63 67 69 2D 62 69 6E 2F 48 6F 54 4D 61 69 4C ; /cgi-bin/HoTMaiL

000000e0h: 0D 0A 46 6F 6C 64 65 72 73 2D 55 52 4C 3A 20 2F ; …Folders-URL: /

000000f0h: 63 67 69 2D 62 69 6E 2F 66 6F 6C 64 65 72 73 0D ; cgi-bin/folders.

00000100h: 0A 50 6F 73 74 2D 55 52 4C 3A 20 68 74 74 70 3A ; .Post-URL: http:

00000110h: 2F 2F 77 77 77 2E 68 6F 74 6D 61 69 6C 2E 63 6F ; //

00000120h: 6D 0D 0A ; m…

2007.09.25 09:54:23 MSN: Session messageReceived for rob.adamo<at> : MSG Hotmail Hotmail 291

I don’t see a failed login. The initial connection gets a:

2007.09.25 09:54:12 session 15 received message XFR 3 NS 0

which tells the client to connect to a different server, which JML proceeds to do as it’s told. I don’t actually see an error here.