MSN status not update on time

I have Wildfire 3.1.1 and IM gateway 1.05b and spark client 2.0.6

1.The major problem is the MSN user status not correct , especially I need to relogin everyday to get who is on-line.Is it will be fixed in next beta version?

2.I can’'t see any yahoo user by IM gateway with spark 2.0.6 , if I have only MSN account , Is this function limitation ?

justintsai wrote:

I have Wildfire 3.1.1 and IM gateway 1.05b and spark client 2.0.6

1.The major problem is the MSN user status not correct , especially I need to relogin everyday to get who is on-line.Is it will be fixed in next beta version?

News to me that this is occuring. (I seem to be retaining user statuses correctly) Is it your status that’'s not correct or people in your contact list?

2.I can’'t see any yahoo user by IM gateway with spark 2.0.6 , if I have only MSN account , Is this function limitation ?

I’‘m not sure, I haven’'t had time to investigate the hug between MSN and Yahoo. =) I went ahead and created issues for this:

