My openfire server with custom authentication added is not working after updating to v4.0.0

Hello all,

Question 1:

I have a openfire server running in one of my EC2 instance, say i can login and it works fine. The version is 3.10.2 and i have added custom authentication to it by creating own classes and added in it.

Now i wanted to allow subscription requests to accept automatically for roaster… So i googled and found a plugin in jive called subscription.jar which allow me to use auto accept/reject or manual. And i found this plugin works only from 4.0.0 (min OF server required)

So i took a backup of my openfire seperately full filesystem presented in etc/openfire, var/lib/openfire and usr/share/openfire (Only copied). I’m using embedded-db so i dont want to take backup unless it is external db (i found the tutorial here to update openfire an-fedora-mint-rhel-opensuse/ )

Then as per the above tutorial mentioned i updated my openfire server, after updated restarted the server, then setup option arised when i go to then i didn’t changed anything and just gave Okay, next coz data are already populated… In db selected use embedded (default) then logged in with the old admin user account. I could successfully login and can see the old users added under user summary.

After this update if i try to create a user from my android code (custom authentication is enabled on openfire to check with my server and verify the user for security) i’m getting following error attached as img…

My problem could be:

What i feel is may be the servername and hostname changed not same as previous one in 3.10.2 version… So new certificates didn’t created for the new version and old certificates availble in openfire doesn’t match. (I forgot the server name and host name what it was in version 3.10.2)

Question 2:

I said i have backup of openfire server v3.10.2 in this filesystem where can i go and see the hostname and server name configured for version 3.10.2 so i can change the hostname and servername of v4.0.0 like old one… Ex: goto etc/openfire/config.xml here you can find all the details of the openfire server like host name, server name, version and other details.

FYI : My present v4.0.0

server name =

host name = ip-123-45-67-89 (aws instace private-ip)

xmpp.domain =

and i access my portal using