Needing help with the User Service plugin

Ok, this is the third time your forum has lost my post. Hopefully it will work this time!

Hello, I have a problem with the User Service plugin for Wildfire. I have it setup so that users can fill out a form on an HTML page, and have a Jabber account created for them on the server.

That part works perfectly. Then the problem sets in. The plugin sends back a plain, non-formatted XML page that says “”. I do not want that to happen. I would prefer that something could “catch” the XML reply, and write the text “Successfully Registered” next to the form on the HTML page. I do have PHP, if that helps.

This is the only thing that’'s bothering me with Wildfire, and keeping me from using the User Service plugin.

If anyone could help me out, that would be great.

Thank You.

P.S. - Your forum’'s message entry form does not work properly on Camino on OS X.


I assume that your users don’'t know the secret and you are using PHP as a proxy between the client and the Wildfire server and your PHP script adds the “secret” . So it should be very easy for the PHP script to read the response and create a HTML page for the user depending on the XML result.