Using OpenFire with SparkIM and getting this error in the logs, and for the life of me i can not figure out how to fix it. It keeps users from logging in. any help is greatly appreciated.
2024.10.17 09:30:40.854 ERROR [socket_c2s-thread-5]: org.jivesoftware.openfire.nio.NettyConnection - Problem during connection close or cleanup
io.netty.handler.ssl.SslHandshakeTimeoutException: handshake timed out after 10000ms
Hi Keith! Without more context, it’s hard to get more specific. This appears to be some kind of timeout that occurs when encryption is being negotiated.
Ideally, the cause of that is tracked down and fixed. As a workaround, you may choose to disable encryption (either in Openfire or in Spark) to circumvent the issue. That does leave you with a less secure communication path, of course.