New Bug: Creating Rooms

Hello found a new bug…

When creating conference rooms the room gets created as with an owner with a mal-formed JID…

should be:




I just confirmed this does not happen when creating a room from exodus…

Hey Joe,

I’'m not sure I understand the problem you are seening. I created a new room at using Spark and I got the following packets:


Could you give me an example of what you are doing and the info you are getting or seeing? BTW, you can press F12 to open the Spark Debugger.


– Gato

This is from the SMACK DEBUG WINDOW… Now the domain name on the server is:

but you should notice that owner of the room is:

helpdesk01 is the hostname of my computer

it seems to cause an error when trying to join it later… since the domain is not a valid domain on the server…

The JM admin console shows the same owner…

Hey Joe,

Since JM is adding the user that sent the initial presence as the room owner, I would say that the user that you are using is logged as I cannot check or confirm that from the packets that you posted. Could you check if your user is logged as You may check the iq BIND packet returned by the server which specifies the JID of your logged user.


– Gato

I am assuming this is the packet you are speaking of:

as you can see, no hostname in the JID… Any ideas now???