New features in 2.0?

What’'s going to be new (featurewise and otherwise) in the 2.0 (open-sourced) release of Jive Messenger?

For 2.0.0, the feature set will essentially be the same as the current commercial release of 1.1. Our goal was to get the code out there as Open Source as soon as possible and then to start making improvements. However, there are a number of things we have planned for the 2.x series, to be completed as soon as possible:

  • SASL

  • Component JEP support

  • S2S

  • Pubsub



I suppose I’'m most interested in S2S. Is there a timeline for the next release with that new feature?

No timeline yet for additional features in the 2.x series. We’‘re heads-down trying to get the Open Source release out at the moment. When that’'s done, we can step back and figure out next steps.



Thanks! I’'m really really excited about this!