New Openfire plugin: ServerInfo

Sessions page shows Active Client Sessions: 923

Ok, but take a look in sessions - client sessions.

That is the number that Iā€™m getting.




In a few days Iā€™ll release version 0.3 that will contain debug information, so itā€™ll allow us to discover what is happening.


Active Client Sessions: 929 thats from client sessions

ServerInfo is showing 996


I release a minor version that should correct this problem:

Can you verify that now the numbers are correct?



Sorry they are still about 70 sessions different. I deleted the .2 and installed the .2.1 just to make 100% sure as well.

Do I need to restart openfire itself to this to change? If so I will need to do that overnight as we have a lot of people online right now.

Server Info: 1033

WebAdmin Session: 966

Itā€™s odd.

Before I was using getConnectionsCount ( /org/jivesoftware/openfire/SessionManager.html#getConnectionsCount(boolean)):

ā€œReturns number of client sessions that are connected to the server. Sessions that are authenticated and not authenticated will be includedā€

I thought the problems were the non authenticated sessions.

And now Iā€™m using getUserSessionsCount ( /org/jivesoftware/openfire/SessionManager.html#getUserSessionsCount(boolean))

ā€œReturns the number of sessions for a user that are available. For the count of all sessions for the user, including sessions that are just starting or closed.ā€

And here the problem should be the ā€œjust closed sessionsā€.

Iā€™ll look for another approach, but I am not experiencing this problem my servers (4 until now). Whatā€™s your openfire version? Anybody else is having this issue?

Marcelo Terres.


With active directory and MySQLā€¦ I am also using the fastpath plugin for support chats but there isnā€™t 70 people on that ever.

Iā€™m using getSessions ( /org/jivesoftware/openfire/SessionManager.html#getSessions) now.

"Returns a list that contains all authenticated client sessions connected to the server. The list contains

sessions of anonymous and non-anonymous users."

I think it requires more processing but should work now (I hope). :slight_smile:

Marcelo Terres

Hello everybody.

Iā€™ve got a bug report from Jason L about online users number.

I released rigth now a beta version (0.2.2) that should correct this issue.

Feel free to test it and please give me your feedback.



Marcelo Terres

Sorry same issue with .2.2

ServerInfo 1033

Session 966

Well, so Iā€™ll need to ask you to restart openfire at night and tell me tomorrow if the problem persists.

And if you could test all versions (0.2, 0.2.1 and 0.2.2) and tell the differences in numbers Iā€™ll appreciate a lot.



Good Morning,

So Issue #1: If you delete the plugin from the web interface it doesnā€™t really go away until a full restart of openfire. So all the testing we did was all on 2.0 which shows the wrong numbers, we never did test 2.1 and 2.2 because of having to restart.

That being said after installing and trying both 2.1 and 2.2 and restarting Openfire between the two both show the proper numbers. I have left 2.1 installed and will monitor it during the day.

But at the time of this message at 2:15am

Serverinfo: online users [126]

Active Client Sessions: 126

Good morning.

First I have to thank you for your help. :slight_smile:

It is good to know that version 0.2.1 is working. Iā€™ll take a look in restart issue and after solve it Iā€™ll release official and stable 0.2.1 version.




both showing 629.

ServerInfo 0.3 was released:

This is the ChangeLog:

Version 0.2.1 (never officialy released):

  • Improve logging and debugging.
  • Fix online users number bug (thanks Jason L from Ignite Realtime Forums for report).

Version 0.3:

  • Fix remove/update bug that requires Openfire restart (thanks again to Jason L).
  • New command ā€œversionā€ displays plugin version.
  • New command ā€œopenfire versionā€ displays Openfire version.
  • New command ā€œopenfire hostā€ displays Openfire hostname.
  • New command ā€œopenfire uptimeā€ displays Openfire last started time.
  • New command ā€œjava versionā€ displays Java version.
  • New command ā€œtotal memoryā€ displays total available memory to the jvm.
  • New command ā€œfree memoryā€ displays free available memory to the jvm.
  • New command ā€œused memoryā€ displays used memory by the jvm.
  • New command ā€œmax memoryā€ displays maximum available memory to the jvm.
  • New command ā€œtotal memory numā€ displays total available memory to the jvm (in MB).
  • New command ā€œfree memory numā€ displays free available memory to the jvm (in MB).
  • New command ā€œused memory numā€ displays used memory by the jvm (in MB).
  • New command ā€œmax memory numā€ displays maximum available memory to the jvm (in MB).

Due the bugs in older versions, updating is recommended, but it will require openfire restart (sorry about that).


New version was released.

Thanks for you help.

Marcelo Terres

So, as logging and debugging has been improved, how can we investigate why it is not working with 3.10.0 alpha?

Hi wroot.

I didnā€™t had time to implements debug completely, so I think this itā€™ll not be sufficient for your case.

New debugging was just to help me to solve the bugs related by Jonas L, that are related with the basic functions of script.

Off course, I release the new features too, but not the one you need right now.

Iā€™ll let you know when itā€™s done. Maybe Iā€™ll release a 0.3.1 version with complete debug.


Marcelo Terres

ServerInfo 0.3.1 released.

Besides small code fixes, I think that I corrected the issue related by wroot.

I recommend all users to upgrade.


Marcelo Terres