I got a working Openfire 3.3.1 installation running on my linux machine.
Today i had to restart the whole Server (Not only the Openfire process or the Apache module).
The reboot worked out well.
Openfire starts up normally and i can log in via Spark - all contacts and the whole chatting procedure is still available. But if i try to log into my Admin-console via the normal way https://my-server.com:9091/ i do not get the log in panel - i get the setup-routine like i installed openfire the first time.
Help! What can i do to stick back to my normal Admin-Console?
Trying to go through the Setup will not work because after step 3 (database-choice) nothing happened…
If your running a *nix os, especially redhat or Fedora Core, if you ran the ./redhat-postinstall.sh file you’'ll need to make sure that the config xml file is owned by jive, not by root.
Otherwise the jive user can’'t read a file owned by root.
If that’'s not the case, open up the config file and make sure is down near the end of the file