Not Able to Click in Spark?

Hello! I have one user who, when using Spark Openfire 2.6.3 has the program freeze up on him. It’s not freezing like what usually happens with computers but basically Spark stops allowing the mouse to click on it. If we use the arrow keys or enter or space it works, but it can’t be clicked on until the computer is rebooted.

Has anyone else run into this issue or know of a solution? I’ve tried uninstalling and reinstalling the program, but even then, without rebooting, I can’t click on anything in the uninstaller or installer. Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance!

No, i haven’t heard about such issue before. This might be something in his system conflicting with Spark (maybe antivirus or something). What OS are you using?

You can try wiping his Spark profile and start with a fresh one. Spark profile is here
If you need your history, copy this folder:
And copy it back after you start with a fresh profile.

And i would also suggest to update to the latest Spark version. 2.6.3 is very old and had a lots of bugs, this might be one of them.