March 24, 2004, 6:37pm
I am using OpenIM as the server.
I try to send a message with a property :
msg.setProperty(“prop”, new SomeSerializableObject());
When the other end receives the message, the entire “properties” section (in XML) is out.
Here is the SENT log for the sender:
ariane-rpcmessagerO0ABXNyACxjb20ubmVvcGVhay5zbWFjay5BdmFpbGFiaWxpdHlSZXF1ZXN0 TWVzc2FnZQVHZkdZv/pAAgAEWgALX2Nvbm5lY3RpbmdJAAlfbnVtUm9vbXNMAAhfY2hlY2tJbnQAEExq YXZhL3V0aWwvRGF0ZTtMAAlfY2hlY2tPdXRxAH4AAXhwAQAAAApzcgAOamF2YS51dGlsLkRhdGVoaoEB S1l0GQMAAHhwdwgAAAD7fh3S3HhzcQBAAN3CAAAAPt HdLceA==
Here is the RECEIVED log for the other end:
<message to=’‘hotel@localhost/Smack’’ from=’‘webapp@localhost/Smack’’>ariane-rpc
Seems like OpenIM hides the properties section in the xml message.
Is this possible ? I thought that Jabber implementations didn’'t process the content of messages… was I wrong ?
Is Packet.setProperty and getProperty mechanism reliable and supported on every server ?
Thanks in advance.
March 24, 2004, 7:13pm
This would be a bug in the OpenIM server. An XMPP server is supposed to pass the entire packet through and not just the parts it understands.
March 25, 2004, 12:57am
It seems like openIM actually modifies the original message.
So OpenIM is not standard-compliant.
Nice to know.
I tried with jabberd 1.4 and everything works fine!
im having exactly the same problem with OpenIM. My Problem is, i really want to run a java server, so im kind of stuck with OpenIm. Is there another way to transfer small files from one client to another? It is actually an xml file that i want to send, but i’'d like to send it as a file and not write the whole xml file to a string and then send it as a normal text message and then convert the string again back into an xml.
Any thoughts ?
Cheers for any help!
April 1, 2004, 3:34pm
Why not use Jive Messenger? There are also several other Java commercial servers.
If OpenIM doesn’‘t pass along custom XML elements in messages, it’'s totally non-compliant and not even worth using as a server.
Thanks matt, actually your right, the reason why i’'m using OpenIM is:
-its free
-its open source
-it was really easy to install, e.g. i didn’'t have to set up a database to use it
but if i cant solve the problem tomorrow, i think i’'ll change the server…