Notifications of new leaf items on collection nodes; pubsub#subscription_required error

I have a sub-collection in a collection. When in this sub-collection a leaf node is created I want the user who is subscribed to the top-collection to be notified.

I figured out that the user needs to configure the subscription to the top-collection with the variable “subscriptionDepth = 2” (I see this variable in the database in the “ofPubsubSubscriptions” in openfire table).

But I can’t configure the user’s subscription by sending the following stanzas:

a) I tried configuring the subscription options:

<pubsub xmlns='[]('>    

<field var='FORM_TYPE' type='hidden'><value>[](</value></field>                   


This returns:

<pubsub xmlns="[](">

  <subscription xmlns="[](" node="testCollection" subscription="unconfigured" jid="user@server.local">

    <subscribe-options xmlns="[](">

      <required xmlns="[]("/>

b) Also tried first subscribing to the collection:

Subscribing to the top-collection returns “unconfigured” which is OK:

    <pubsub xmlns="[](">

      <subscription xmlns="[](" node="testCollection" subscription="unconfigured" jid="user@server.local">

        <subscribe-options xmlns="[](">

          <required xmlns="[]("/>

Request Configuration Options:

<iq type='get’to=‘pubsub.server.local’


<pubsub xmlns='[]('>

Auth Error:

    <pubsub xmlns="[](">

      <options xmlns="[](" node="testCollection" jid="user@server.local"/>

I also tried to do the same with node owner without success.