Offline Messages Suppress

Is there a way to not have the Offline messages sent into a user when they login, but still keep the records in ofOffline? Or at least have the sending of them delayed?



Offline Message Policy

  • Store offline messages for later retrieval. Messages will be delivered the next time the recipient logs in. Choose a storage policy and storage store max size below.
  • Store messages up to the max storage size. After the max size has been exceeded, bounce the message back to the sender.
  • Always store messages, even if the max storage size has been exceeded.
  • Store messages for a user up to the max storage size. After the max size has been exceeded, silently drop messages.
    Per-user offline message storage limit: KB
  • Never store offline messages and bounce messages back to the sender.
  • Never store offline messages and drop messages so the sender is not notified.

No, You would have to modify Openfire to have that behaviour