Offline Messages window loses focus to main


User logs in and has Offline Messages waiting for them. The offline message message is created but quickly loses focus to the main interface. I’‘ve only observed this a couple of times, so it’'s intermittent at best.

Perhaps a small mod to the code controlling the offline message window’'s focus will eliminate the issue?

BTW - Great job on both Wildfire and Spark!!


There is another glitch with focus i’'ve noticed. But i dont remember exactly where it happened. Have to test it. But sometimes dialog windows that looks active are not really active and even locked. So you have to click a bg window and then again that dialog window to activate it and be able to press buttons. As i remember this is happening with Update notify and maybe with broadcasting dialogs.

Thanks for the issue delphi. I actually fixed this early this week when I came across it. The fix will be in the 1.1.4 release



Ok, not locking exactly. But that’'s how it works.

Update Notify:

I have my Spark window on desktop, active. Then Update notify appears and both windows becomes unactive, grayed. This is just a design issue maybe.


When broadcasting to a group which i’'m a member too i get two windows. “Message broadcasted” dialog with OK button. And on top of all windows broadcast itself with Close button. This window is on top but i cant close it before i hit OK that other dialog. Confusing a bit.