Offline subscription?

I realised when trying to subscribe to a user’'s presence by sending the Presence.Type.SUBSCRIBE packet only works if the user is online. If the user is not online, he will never receive any Presence.Type.SUBSCRIBE packet. Is there any work around on this? Perhaps having the server to send something like an offline Presence.Type.SUBSCRIBED packet?

hmmm correct me if I’'m wrong, but I thought it was up to the server to keep a hold of Presence Subscription packets so that when the user next logs in they will receive it.

Kinda makes it hard if the user has to be online at the exact moment you choose to subscrbe to their presence

JonWright wrote:

hmmm correct me if I’'m wrong, but I thought it was up to the server to keep a hold of Presence Subscription packets so that when the user next logs in they will receive it.

Yes, the server even has to regularily resend it, if the user doesn’'t reply to the subscription request (either by accepting or denying).

Kinda makes it hard if the user has to be online at the exact moment you choose to subscrbe to their presence

Esp. since you can’‘t know at the time when you’'re subscribing

I realised it was a program bug. Thanks for the clue guys!

Gotta double check before I post again haha…