Ofmeet with Android


i have openfire 3.9.1 running with jitsi videobridge 1.2 and websockets plugin

using chrome on a desktop (Windows and Linux) ofmeet seems to be working fine.

this weekend i tried to connect to ofmeet using my mobile using chrome v33 and Opera.

with both browsers i can see myself in the video, so the video functionality seems to be working.

unfortunately everybody opening the URL to join the conference room (sent using the invite button) can only see himself.

no one is can join an existing conference.

any idea ?



Hi ,

does no one have an idea where the problem could be ?



sorry, not enough information to know what the problem is


i got it working.

the problem was the not correct url i was using.

after choosing the correct url (the jabber server domain) it was also working from mobile

it also works with opera on mobile.

thanks a lot for the great work!!!



Good to know. Thanks for the info on Opera