Old web-based groupchat client?

Does anyone know what happened to the web-based groupchat cilent Jive was working on a while back? It was just called “groupchat.war”, and it was in beta for a few versions. I finally got Muckl working today, but the Jive application was so much nicer and seemed to work on all modern browsers (whereas Muckl only works on IE and Firefox). If anyone knows what happened to the client, or if there are any other web-based MUC clients out there (not Java applets), let me know. Thanks!


Old group chat was (and are) a commercial plugin, and if i remember right it is a part of Jive Forums or Integrated Server. Well, if you still like it being commercial, so maybe you want to try SparkWeb (beta plugins page). This is a Spark version for browsers, though you need to have valid Enterprise version (just to try it out, unfair and unlogical imho).

wroot wrote:

(just to try it out, unfair and unlogical imho).

Why is it unfair? These guys give us a fine-working xmpp server for free … and nothing holds you away from making your own muc client with smack … so let these guys gain some money with one ore two of their products

and … there’'s another webclient called jeti → http://jeti.jabberstudio.org/

I don’‘t think it’‘s unfair. But, they had it available for beta before, and I’'ve never seen them mention it since. So I was just curious if they were still working on it, if it was finished and part of a different product, etc.

What I do think would be nice is if they would allow some of their applications to be purchased by non-commercial users for a flat-fee. I’‘m sure many users of the open source Wildfire would be interested in paying flat fees to use some of the applications (like SparkWeb, a groupchat client, etc.), but if they’‘re running public servers it’'s difficult to try and get them to pay per-user.

Jeti is a full-blown Jabber client. It’‘s also a Java applet, which is something I need to avoid. The original groupchat client provided an HTML/AJAX interface to the user, so all that was required was a web browser and access to port 80 or 443. That’‘s what I’‘m looking to find again. I may try and write one or see if I can improve upon Muckl, but, I’'d prefer to use that groupchat client that was available before since it was so lightweight and easy to use.

I didnt say to give it away. This is a commercial product, so one need to try it out before buying. Probably they think lone SparkWeb wouldnt be valuable, or maybe they want to make Enterprise more attractive for clients. But probably there are some users who would need only a web client, without other Enterprise features.

Hi Oleg,

while the pricing of any enterprise version is always much too high there are sales persons available to get the right price with the right options and I’'m quite sure that a limited enterprise version which includes only webchat is available if you really need it and ask for one.


Our strategy is pretty simple if you get right down to it:

a) Keep building great Open Source features to spread use of the server and client as widely as possible (not to mention the contributions from the community).

b) Build more and more unique and valuable features into Enterprise so that an ever larger percentage of the total number of Wildfire/Spark users will decide to purchase.

The diagram on the About page expresses pretty well how we hope a professional Open Source project can work.

Some specifics:

  • It’‘s helpful to hear that people are still looking for a simple web-based group chat client. As many of you know, we’‘ve already made a lot of web-specific stuff Open Source, such as the HTTP Binding implementation. More will get Open-sourced over time, although I don’‘t know if we’'ll be doing a group chat module yet.

  • We believe in keeping the commercial options simple to purchase and manage for end-users, which is why SparkWeb and SIP VoIP is part of Enterprise instead of separate products. You’'ll definitely see that trend continue with additional new features.

