Openfire 3.6.0: Clearly there are some issues, what is the plan?

Seems 3.6.1 may have been better choice for version number. Now I get reports on the admin console and broadcast that an update - 3.6.0a - is available. That is what I have installed… hmmm

jerlev wrote:

Seems 3.6.1 may have been better choice for version number. Now I get reports on the admin console and broadcast that an update - 3.6.0a - is available. That is what I have installed… hmmm

This is a known issue and Daniel has warned about that in 3.6.0a release thread in forums. Everything is fine. Just Openfire’s versioning scheme doesnt support x.x.xa format. It will be ok when 3.6.1 will be released. Meanwhile you can ignore update message in Admin Console and temporary disable admins notifications.

jadestorm wrote:

The bulk of the reports so far are around DB script issues with the upgrades, and **LDAP not handling usernames with spaces in them. **The embedded db seems to be the most prone to issues right now.

Is this true? Verified by others as well? Because I’ve been trying to get our Openfire 3.6.0 and Spark to work with userPrincipalNAme and/or cn attributes of user objects, and when using cn where there is usually an space between first and last name, Openfire produces HTTP 500 error when configuring it.

Could it also be that when when using userPrincipalName the ‘@’ sign does not get processed right, say URL encoding does not work correctly?

So in short: AD authentication with user account that has an space in it does not work, and also the ‘@’ sign is not processed right?