Openfire 3.6 forget HTTP Bind Settings

Hello i have a problem with openfire 3.6 and mysql.

If i restart the server every time the HTTP bind setting for the secure port are resettet to “0”.

After each restart i had to change it to 7443.

Is there a position where i can change it by hand?

Thanks & Regards,


Is there no default setting. I havent found anything in the database. Also not in the openfire.xml… .


because of no response i tried to add it in my MySQL database by hand the port 7443 for https binding.

After restart it was again resetted to zero.

So i have no change to prevent openfire resetting the http binding ports each restart to zero.

Is this a bug in my installation or have anyone other the same problem?

I also havent found a bug report at the tracker. So this might be a new one.



Hello, I’m having the except same problem. Did you figure out a solution? I’m persisting my configuration to SQL Server.


I have been attempting to dig into this issue this evening. When you see 0 on the admin console, it may mean that the server can not set up a https httpbind server for some reason. Will mess with it some more.


I think this is related to obtaining the private key. I don’t have a debug environment so I can’t confirm, but I think it’s related to SSLConfig.getKeyStore() – I’m getting an exception thrown in ssl-certificates.jsp as well, where SSLConfig.getKeyStore() is also called.

I can confirm this issue - every time the server installs OS updates and reboots (taking Openfire down and up along with it), secure BOSH goes down and SparkWeb along with it.

Hi all,

My appologies, a month later, I think I figured out the bug

Will ping Gato to see if I am on the right track with this. Hopefully we can get it straightened out for 3.6.2
