OpenFire 3.6 Performance Evaluation

ENV1: CentOS 5.2 + openfire 3.6 + MySQL5 + LDAP(Windows2003 AD) + Spark 2.5.8

ENV2: CentOS 5.2 + openfire 3.6 + MySQL5 + Spark 2.5.8

has somebody do the performance evaluation on the tow environment?

online users : 3000-5000


Hi Jon,

I am not sure if you will ever find any definite performance numbers. There are a number of folks on this forum that run with that range of online users. You should be fine with any recent hardware with plenty (2 GB) of memory.

If you want any further guidance, you need to provide more details on what your users will be doing, how many shared rosters, etc…


thank you .

online users only can send text messenges and calling each other. broadcast and file transfer is not allowed.

no shared rosters.

over 600 users can use IM GateWay to connect to MSN.

openfire JVM setting is : 2048M.

anything else?