OpenFire 3.9.1 & ACtive Directory

Hi there,

I am new to openfire and have an issue which puzzles me a little. I installed OpenFire 3.9.1 and connected it to AD. All my AD accounts are listed and I can log in to the Admin interface with my AD account just fine. When I try to set up a XMPP client like Jitsi or Spark and try to use my AD account it is not logging in and statind that either username or password is wrong. What would be the proper client configuration to use AD authentication? Is there maybe something further I need to do on the openFire server to allow that?

Any help is really appreciated


Hi there!

I’m also using AD as Backend for Auth. However you need to login using your username @ domain . tld you’ve setup during the installation. ( Not your AD domain name!)

For example: I’ve set

ldap.usernameField to sAMAccountName…(So the login name from AD is login name from of)

and the xmpp domain to so the login would have to look like:

Kind regards


Oh, and did you set up your dns records?