Openfire 4.0.2 related questions

Hello, I need help.

We are running Openfire 4.0.2, JDK 1.7, Mem 4G based messenger.

But there are some problems.

The current daily connection is 40K. When 15k users logout for 20 minutes, the Server Response will be delayed and can’t login.

In this regard, I will give you two questions.

  1. When logout, what is causing the bottleneck?

  2. How do I tune OS or JVM? Or should I change the settings?

I look forward to your reply

Thank You

Do not add “help!” as a tag. This is silly…

Have you checked the logs? Seeing OutOfMemory errors maybe? You can at least try Java 1.8. Have you changed how much memory is dedicated to JVM? On Admin Console first page how much memory JVM is using? Refresh that page to see the maximum size.