The Ignite Realtime Community is pleased to announce the 4.0.2 release of Openfire. This release signifies our ongoing effort to produce a stable 4.0 series release while continuing to work toward a 4.1 release. A changelog of issues fixed indicates 9 issues resolved with hopefully the issue of stale/ghost client sessions being resolved.
As always, please report issues in the Community Forums and you can download this release from our website. Here are the sha1sum’s for the downloads available.
As a reminder, Openfire’s source code and development can be found on Github and an active developer discussion occurs within our groupchat. Please consider helping out with Openfire’s development!
Auch - that should not happen. We had someone earlier that had problems while running Java 7. Those problems disappeared when he installed Java 8 instead. At this time I can’t see how this problem would be isolated to 4.0.2 and not 4.0.1, but it is probably an easy enough thing for you to verify.
The Java 7/8 issue is being tracked as [OF-1116] Java 7 incompatibility - Jive Software Open Source
I can confirm too, is happening to our system too. I can not connect users when i run 4.0.2, I’m downgrading until somebody finds the solution / fix for running 4.0.2.
Nope, still no Windows x64 version. However, I installed it on Windows 2012R2 and as has become my protocol, replaced the JRE with the latest 64 bit version from Oracle and used the patched files I found in the forum here and 4.0.2 works fine running as a 64 bit process.
We think this problem is isolated to running Openfire with OpenJDK 7. OpenJDK 8 and the non-Open, ‘regular’ Oracle JDKs do not appear to cause this problem. A related issue was documented in the OpenJDK issue tracker here: [JDK-8151366] Using JDK8 to compile code for JDK7 (-source 1.7 -target 1.7) does not work if ConcurrentHashMap is used -…
If you experience this problem, please verify what version of Java is used to run Openfire. A good way to do this is to log in to the admin console. On the first page after login, the Java version is listed. If you see a 1.7 version of OpenJDK being used, try running Openfire with a different JVM.
@Anthony R. That shows that you are running Openfire with OpenJDK version 1.7, which is not good. I assume that with that setup, you are experiencing problems. Try running Openfire with another version of Java.
Okay, good to hear that the workaround did the trick. On our end, we’ll continue to work on a solution that will prevent this kind of thing in the future.