Openfire 4.7.4 error

Hi! An error occurs when installing openfire in the Alt Linux OS (RPM). The Java version is not installed, although Java is installed. Why can’t I make two versions of the Openfire installation - 1 with Java, 2 - without Java ? How to fix this error?

Снимок экрана в 2023-01-31 13-18-13
Снимок экрана в 2023-01-31 13-18-56

I suspect that Java was installed ‘manually’, not using the dependency mechanism that apt provides. This causes apt to not know of this dependency. There are a couple of manners in which you can try to resolve this:

I have not tested the last two options myself, so I’m not sure how feasible they are.

Unfortunately, the tips did not help, Java 1.8.0 reinstalled and the error persists. It’s a pity that Java was removed in the installation.

Why are you using apt-get to install a RPM? Usually, installing RPMs is done with rpm or dnf/yum.


Thanks, we managed to install the server. The problem was in the wrong installation command. I always used apt-get to load dependencies, up to this point there were no problems with it. The rpm -ivh openfire_X_Y_Z.rpm command worked.