Openfire 4.9.0 Login failed with domen account at the test admin account step - CSRF failure!

I have clean installation of Openfire 4.9.0.
But i can not finish installation because next error was appeared at the step of checking adminstrator account

All tests was successfully at previous steps.

I have Active Directory domain controller (Windows Server 2008 R2)

Hi Vayer! Thanks for reporting this issue. I can reproduce the problem. I have created a new ticket for this problem: [OF-2890] - Jira

A fix for this issue is in the works, which will likely be part of the next Openfire release. See OF-2890: Fix CSRF error on admin setup (directory services) by guusdk · Pull Request #2553 · igniterealtime/Openfire · GitHub for details.

I just hit this problem as well, so glad to see there’s a fix in the works. Testing this as an alternative to the horrible Synology Chat for one of our clients so my first install…

The fix for this issue should be available in the most recent nightly builds of Openfire. I’d be happy to get some feedback on those!

I tested the nightly build of Openfire. This bug was fixed.

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