Openfire admin password

But… (beta: ) Fastpath does not work correctly, it does not show up in main menu.

Reverting back to 3.6.4

That may be right or wrong - currently you need to compile the fastpath plugin to use it. The 3.6.4 plugins do likely not work as expected and the pages does not yet contain the plugins.

I found out that if you do not have openfire tied to AD, then the default login is “admin” and the password you entered during setup. By default is has nothing to do with the email address you entered at setup - like you’d think it would. This is still on Openfire 3.7

Is there somebody that can compile the Fastpath Service plugin for 3.7? In Subversion I see that it is in the 3.7 beta tag but not in trunk.

If you can access the database, please open the table named ofproperty, then find out the record

“admin.authorizedJIDs” and its propvalue is “admin@gauss-pc”.

That means only admin can login the admin panel.

So you can add another jid(make sure you know its password ) in it, For example “admin@gauss-pc,test1@gauss-pc”.

Restart openfire service,

Login in admin panel via the account which you just added.

**this method will work for External Database (i.e. Mysql). **

I was using openfire with external Mysql database and forgot the admin password

**then I followed these steps to successfully reset my passwrod: **

  1. used OpenFire Blowfish Class for password encryption (also attaching the code below)
  2. go to your openfire mysql database (in phpmyadmin)
  3. in Db go to “ofProperty” table and look for passwordKey->value (copy past this key for later use
  4. also updated “admin.authorizedJIDs” with ** (i.e: username@domain) inofProperty” **table
  5. **recover now with OpenFire Blowfish Class:

======================OpenFire Blowfish.php===========================



* Emulate OpenFire Blowfish Class


class OpenFireBlowfish


  • private $key;*

  • private $cipher;*

  • public $enckey = “acE1v7A2L0MdjuS”; //Hidden Encryption Key of Openfire BlowFish*

  • public $enciv = ‘’;*

  • function __construct($pass)*

  • {*

  •    $this->cipher = mcrypt_module_open('blowfish','','cbc','');*
  •    $ks = mcrypt_enc_get_key_size($this->cipher);*

_ $this->key = pack(‘H*’,sha1($pass));_

  • }*

  • function encryptString($plaintext, $iv = ‘’)*

  • {*

  •    if ($iv == '') {*
  •        $iv = mcrypt_create_iv(mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size($this->cipher));*
  •    }*
  •    else {*

_ $iv = pack(“H*”, $iv);_

  •    }*
  •    mcrypt_generic_init($this->cipher, $this->key, $iv);*
  •    $bs = mcrypt_enc_get_block_size($this->cipher); // get block size*
  •    $plaintext = mb_convert_encoding($plaintext,'UTF-16BE'); // set to 2 byte, network order*
  •    $pkcs = $bs - (strlen($plaintext) % $bs); // get pkcs5 pad length*
  •    $pkcs = str_repeat(chr($pkcs), $pkcs); // create padding string*
  •    $plaintext = $plaintext.$pkcs; // append pkcs5 padding to the data*
  •    $result = mcrypt_generic($this->cipher, $plaintext);*
  •    mcrypt_generic_deinit($this->cipher);*
  •    return $iv.$result;*
  • }*

  • function decryptString($ciphertext)*

  • {*

  •    $bs = mcrypt_enc_get_block_size($this->cipher); // get block size*
  •    $iv_size = mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size($this->cipher);*
  •    if ((strlen($ciphertext) % $bs) != 0) { // check string is proper size*
  •        exit(1);*
  •    }*
  •    $iv = substr($ciphertext, 0, $iv_size); // retrieve IV*
  •    $ciphertext = substr($ciphertext, $iv_size);*
  •    mcrypt_generic_init($this->cipher, $this->key, $iv);*
  •    $result = mdecrypt_generic($this->cipher, $ciphertext); // decrypt*

_ //echo var_dump(unpack(‘c*’,$iv))."\n";_

  •    $padding = ord(substr($result,-1)); // retrieve padding*

_ $result = substr($result,0,$padding * -1); // and remove it_

  •    mcrypt_generic_deinit($this->cipher);*
  •    return $result;*
  • }*

  • function __destruct()*

  • {*

  •    mcrypt_module_close($this->cipher);*
  • }*


// Test OpenFire Blowfish Class

$enckey = “paste your openfire passwordKey”; //paste your openfire Db passwordKey copied in poin# 3

*$enciv = ‘’; *

$a = new OpenFireBlowfish($enckey);

*$encstring = bin2hex($a->encryptString(‘password’,$enciv)); //enter your password string to encrypt it *

echo “Encrypted Password string:”.$encstring . “

echo “Original Password string:”.$a->decryptString(pack(“H*”, $encstring)) . “



  1. now run this file on your local webserver and copy the encryptedPassword string

  2. now go to “ofUser” table in **openfire database **and replace the encryptedPassword string in your ofUser Table against your admin username.


  1. restart your server that can be done from WHM (forcerestart/graceful restart)

  2. after restarting server refresh your openfire page ( or ) and login using username and password that you used for encryption

**this method will work for External Database Mysql.

Unfortunately this did not work for 3.10.3. Matter of fact of all the past admin console reported issues/fix none have worked. I have updated the PLAIN PASSWORD in the ofUser table in the database (MySQL - local) no dice. I have entered in the code that was presented by oxymoron.


*** ***

I even left jimuser as the user - nada. So I am stuck. with 3.10.3 is there a method to reset the admin password so I can get in the console or am I just screwed blued and tattooed?



You can re-run the setup and when it asks for the current password you can actually put anything and it should work. Resetting admin passwords

Easy Solution! Senha do openfire com mysql e outros bancos

en este vídeo explico como ingresar a la consola de administracion de openfire si haz perdido tu contraseña de admin

in this video I explain how to access the Openfire administration console if you do your administrator password

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its not working why ?

This is not a problem at all, you do not need x on the server, only on the client, because you can always use ssh with X forwarding:

  • from Linux/GNU just: ssh -YC your_ip_address
  • from Windows you can use PuTTY+xming, or MobaXTerm
  • from OSX you can use XQuartz

after you ssh into your server with X forwarding, you can run GUI apps using the x server on your client side. The server side does not need x server at all. You can apt-get install any gui app on your x-disabled server, and run it remotely. Cheers.