OpenFire and jwchat 503 Error

I have been reading through the forums all morning and I just can’t find a answer. I have openfire 3.4.5 up and running. The spark client runs just fine but I am trying to get the jwchat client to work so I won’t have to install the client on every ones machine. When I turn debug on it get this response.

(level 2) func: unknown

registered handler for event ‘iq’

(level 2) func: unknown

registered handler for event ‘presence’

(level 2) func: unknown

registered handler for event ‘message’

(level 2) func: unknown

registered handler for event ‘message’

(level 2) func: unknown

registered handler for event ‘ondisconnect’

(level 2) func: unknown

registered handler for event ‘onconnect’

(level 2) func: unknown

registered handler for event ‘onerror’

(level 2) func: JSJaCHBCConnect

httpbase: /http-bind/

(level 1) func: JSJaCHBCHandleInitialResponse

initial response broken (status: 503)

(level 2) func: unknown

handling event ‘onerror’

My Apache config looks like this:



DocumentRoot /var/www/html/

<Directory /var/www/html/>

Options +Indexes +MultiViews


AddDefaultCharset UTF-8

RewriteEngine on

#RewriteRule http-poll/

#RewriteRule /http-bind/

RewriteRule /http-bind/


The # are remarks because i have tried all those settings. My openfire ports are:

All addresses


Client to Server

The standard port for clients to connect to the server. Connections may or may not be encrypted. You can update the security settings\ for this port.

All addresses


Client to Server


port used for clients to connect to the server using the old SSL

method. The old SSL method is not an XMPP standard method and will be

deprecated in the future. You can update the security settings\ for this port.

All addresses


Admin Console

The port used for unsecured Admin Console access.

All addresses


Admin Console

The port used for secured Admin Console access.

All addresses


File Transfer Proxy

The port used for the proxy service that allows file transfers to occur between two entities on the XMPP network.

All addresses


HTTP Binding

The port used for unsecured HTTP client connections.

All addresses


HTTP Binding

The port used for secured HTTP client connections.

All addresses

3478 & 3479

STUN Service

The port used for the service that ensures connectivity between entities when behind a NAT.

All addresses


Flash Cross Domain

Service that allows Flash clients connect to other hostnames and ports.

I have also put in the folder spank in /opt/openfire/resources/ with the index.html file and the folder WEB_INF which then has a file called web.xml and I have chown them to daemon with the same permissions as the other folders in /opt/openfire/resources/. Any help would be wonderful.
