Openfire Auto Installation

I need to figure out how I can automate the installation to include settings that normally would have to be manually entered. For example Domain settings, or server to server configurations.

Is there a way to do this? I assume that I may be able to customize the database or add these entries by sql script.

Has anyone tried to do this


There was some automation added in 4.3.0
There is no documentation though. I guess you should use an example xml in the commit with autosetup tags.

Documentation was in the PR at - it should be possible to work out the right format from that (and yes, we probably should update the doc’s to reflect).

One additional question regarding the auto setup. Is there a possibility to configure embedded-db in openfire.xml.

The sample xml, only takes reference to external database.

Is there a workaround, where we could use the autosetup feature with embedded db?