Openfire Chat API

Use the latest Openfire Chat API which now lives at Project Etherlynk is no more maintained.

The userId parameter is any valid openfire username

Thank you for the feedback

Thanks for your answer, I did not want to change to that version because it does not allow me to enter the Swagger section to make the consultations via web.

I tried the latest version in Postman and it worked for me, only that port 7443 would throw me error even disabling SSL validation as Postman indicated.

Then I had to use the 7070 where “localhost” appears instead of the server ip, which I do not know if it’s normal or if it’s due to using another port

Finally when trying to upload the file I get “400 The requested slot is not available. Either it does not exist, or has already been used” :frowning:

As header I only have “Authorization”.

Look at

The httpfileupload plugin for openfire is hard-wired to use https and the hostname of your openfire server. You really have no choice but to get a proper certificate and make sure your openfire server hostname is NOT localhost

Thanks, seems to work. But I’ll have to find another way to test it since with Postman I get problems due to the size of the file that I define before

Just in case it is the max file size, see

Excuse me but where is that option? I’ve searched everywhere and I have not found it. :frowning:

You have to create it yourself if it is not visible (in System Properties).

Thanks for answering. Add the option and leave the maximum file size disabled by setting the -1

I tried to upload this file again


through postman:

but again I get the same error. I also tried increasing the file size to 226080 in the request, but it gives me the same error :frowning:

Now restart the server after adding that property and also try calling the file photo.jpg. Still not working

Can you explain what is one-to-one chat messages?
I tried to send a message to myself, but not receiving any message? currently log on to pidgin

Hello, I want Rest Chat Api extension for PHP , as I don’t want to give Spark Interface to Users. I think Openfire Spark Rest chat api is limited to only some function. I want all function like messaging , file transfer through API interface.


First of all thanks for developing such a wonderful plugin. I am trying to get one on one chat working.
I have got almost everything in place.
But SSE connect api(:7070/rest/api/event/source) returns 404.

Can you please help me get this working or please let me know if I have missed anything or if you need anything more for troubleshooting.

Thanks in advance

You have to login first with /login endpoint to create the event/source endpoint for the specific user.

1 Like


Yeah i have logged in…Orelse i get 404 not found…
After login i get 503 error.


If you are still trying to do this, I suggest you look at the openfire log files. 503 certainly points to an exception occurring and something should be written to the log files

Also, see Webclients chat api

Good Day

Is the openfire chat API dead?
I still struggle to send a message to fastpath.

Thank You

Albertus Geyser

@Dele_Olajide How to configure this with admin panel. I have uploaded latest jar release 0.9.6 Release 5 but could not found any option to admin panel.

Edit1 : when i Fire the login request it return some exception can any one suggest me the payload how to execute it.

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When you build the plugin yourself. You need to rename the jar to ofchat.jar.

The repository for this plugin has been archived by the owner on Mar 10, 2020. It is now read-only.

This plugin is no more maintained or supported. It has been replaced by the sparkweb plugin which is still work-in-progress.