Openfire, conecciones multiples

SaLu2 para tod@s y espero me puedan ayudar. Gracias
El problema es que tengo un servidor Openfire 4.2.3 con mas de 700 usuarios pero ultimamente algnos usuarios conectan su cuenta con mas de un cliente (Spark, Pandion, Psi) algunos sobre sistema android y no se como limitar las conecciones maximas por uduarios a solo 1.

You can’t limit this. This is how XMPP technology works. You can connect from multiple devices.

What reason do you have to want to limit this?

because users connect to several clients from the same computer using the same account
the problem is not to limit the number of users but the number of simultaneous connections of the same user

There is no point to connect from several clients from the same computer. You would still appear as one user to others. You should explain it to your users. This seems like a management issue. Anyway, as i’ve said there is no built-in option to control this. Unless you make a modification to Openfire source and build custom version.

okok Thx for helpme. :slight_smile: