Openfire create many mysql sleep connection

Hi all,

I’m using Openfire 3.8.1 , my server : Centos 6.4 x86_64 . Everything is nornal before I install plugin Kraken 1.1.3 .

Kraken and Openfire work smoothly , but I’ve noticed that Openfire create a few (3 to 5) sleep connection to mysql server .

mysql> show processlist;

±-------±---------±----------------±---------±--------±-----±------±---- -------------+

| Id | User | Host | db | Command | Time | State | Info |

±-------±---------±----------------±---------±--------±-----±------±---- -------------+

| 602406 | root | localhost | NULL | Query | 0 | NULL | show processlist |

| 622900 | openfire | localhost:46865 | openfire | Sleep | 18 | | NULL |

| 622901 | openfire | localhost:46866 | openfire | Sleep | 18 | | NULL |

| 626000 | openfire | localhost:46993 | openfire | Sleep | 18 | | NULL |

| 626362 | openfire | localhost:47011 | openfire | Sleep | 18 | | NULL |

| 626388 | openfire | localhost:47012 | openfire | Sleep | 18 | | NULL |

±-------±---------±----------------±---------±--------±-----±------±---- -------------+

And number of connections increases over time until it hit “max_connections” limit and mysql cannot response anymore .

Hope someone can help. Thank in advance.



Does anyone have same issue like me ?

This could be a Kraken issue, but even if it is, Kraken plugin is not developed or supported anymore.