Openfire doesn't sent messages to miranda client

I have Openfire 3.10.3 and miranda as a clients.
Sometimes I don’t receive messages. But if relogin (offline\online) the messages appear.

I don’t see in logs any reason delaying delivery.
For Example, if All ok reveiced and sent message looks like:

<packet xmlns="" streamID="7ba07ff3" status="auth" timestamp="Jun 09, 2020 02:29:08:451 PM"><message xmlns="" from=" (" to="" type="chat"><body>test1</body></message></packet>

<packet xmlns="" streamID="862d3f35" status="auth" timestamp="Jun 09, 2020 02:29:08:452 PM"><message xmlns="" from=" (" to="" type="chat"><body>test1</body></message></packet>

When message are delivered after relogin:

<packet xmlns="" streamID="34fe7bac" status="auth" timestamp="Jun 09, 2020 01:54:16:267 PM"><message xmlns="" from=" (" to="" type="chat"><body>test2</body></message></packet>

<packet xmlns="" streamID="862d3f35" status="auth" timestamp="Jun 09, 2020 02:16:25:535 PM"><message xmlns="" from=" (" to="" type="chat"><body>test2</body><delay xmlns="urn:xmpp:delay" from="" stamp="2020-06-09T07:54:16.276Z"/><x xmlns="jabber:x:delay" from="" stamp="20200609T07:54:16"/></message></packet>
Openfire 3.10.3
Java Version: 	1.7.0_25 Oracle Corporation -- Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 
Clustering On

Database and Version: 	PostgreSQL 9.3.11
JDBC Driver: 	PostgreSQL Native Driver
JDBC Driver Version: 	PostgreSQL 9.4 JDBC4 (build 1201) 

Client logs show that keeplive are sent all that time. no network troubles. Openfire doesn’t try to sent message.

How to trouble shooting?

Where did you find the XML that you provide? It resembles XMPP, but it’s not valid XMPP at all.

Openfire 3.10.3 is very old. I advise you to upgrade to the latest release, and see if the problem persists.

It is log from openfire: Message Audit Policy.
Unfortunately I can’t update it.