OpenFire FastPath (chat support portal)(Ques. on features)

I am waiting to use our server for a Chat Support portal. To allow our customers to request a chat for support on an issue. I have a few questions on the features that the Fast Path system has.
I was wondering if anyone can confirm some of these…

Can chats be Queued. via by agent skills
Is there a pre web form - to collect information about the support request
Is there a method for CSRs to request a chat with a customer waiting in the queue
Is there a method to transfer chats, via a management level, to another queue or even an agent
Is there a knowledge base interaction, such as canned responses and automated solution emails and customer survey

Is there a method to control how many chats one agent can have at a time

Is there a method for Quality and Assurance, such as live monitoring

Is there a method for a Supervisor to whisper to a CSR, without a customer seeing it

Is there a method for sending the chat transcript to the customer

Is there any API connections and documentation

On the CSRs end, is there a Web Based chat module instead of using the software
If so, will all the chats that CSR have show in the same window, or different windows