Openfire issues with OpenJDK 11

Hi all, I’ve searched, but haven’t really been able to find anything that helps. I’m having issues installing Openfire 4.8.1 with OpenJDK 11.0.22 installed on rhel 8. When I try to install it, I’m getting a failed dependency error stating that Java>= 1:11.0.0 is needed. Does Openfire support OpenJDK?

Same issue with AlmaLinux 8 (as you’d expect).

OpenJDK JRE 11 is installed and on the path, but I’m getting the same failed dependency error.

Looks like there’s a mismatch between the “provides” from the OpenJDK packages (ie. java-nn) and what the OpenFire RPM is looking for (ie. java). Since multiple JREs can be installed simultaneously, looks like the OpenJDK Java 8 package is the only one providing bare “java”.

I was able to install the RPM by adding “–nodeps”.


@nlindq Aha! Looks like that worked for me as well. I also had to add on --nodigest as well since I was getting a “does not verify: no digest error” once I added the “–nodeps” flag. I appreciate the help!

I installed Openfire 4.8.3 rpm about a week ago on Rocky Linux 8 using the “–nodeps” option. (Java 11 is installed and set as the default.) That worked, but now, when I try to update the system using “dnf update”, it’s blocked by the unsatisfied dependency:
Running transaction check
Error: transaction check vs depsolve:
java >= 1:11.0.0 is needed by (installed) openfire-4.8.3-1.noarch

Not only will it not update java 8, it won’t let me remove it. Nothing else on this server needs java 8. How can I fix this?

Which java RPMs do you have installed? For me, having java-11-openjdk and java-11-openjdk-headless make things happy.

I have:

Openfire is happy. dnf is not when I run dnf update, or try dnf remove java-1.8.0-openjdk.

I am unsure what is the proper way to fix this, but if I was you and did not need those 1.8.0 rpms installed, I would rpm -e --nodeps those and see if things are then happy.

Thanks for that suggestion. I didn’t consider removing with rpm since I installed with dnf. Seems to have worked and dnf update is now happy too.