Openfire NEEDS MSI deployment

Openfire NEEDS NEEDS NEEDS support for spark MSI deployment whether using the Client management plugin or not. Can we make this happen is a soft upgrade or some tweaks?

This is not a .msi solution, but…

This can be approximated with NSIS.

however just as good. Is your intent to deploy via a GPO?

@Raymond that’s interesting. I’ll have to look at it furher. The Spark EXE (no jre) from this site is something like 24MB and the MSI I created was only 18MB in size but even at 18MB it kills our network if we try to deploy spark.msi via login script (in group policy). And since the client management plugin for openfire doesnt work with MSIs, We have to have each person at 150 some PCs manually upgrade Spark. We’ve found no other way, even using psexec doesnt work like we need it to.

There is a near program that make exe out of zip files to unpackage a zip and run a program inside the zip immediately.

I would assume that you can write a small vbs to start the MSI, compress into a zip and make an exe out of it that starts the vbs after unpacking. I did something like that when I wanted to deploy an exe that was actually a vbs